Lantern Slides illustrating Zoology, Botany, Geology, Astronomy, Textiles, &c.: Catalogue E. (November 1924)

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Flatters & Garnett, Ltd., Manchester. Section BB 16—Fruits 46 Fruits with hooks. D 47 Hooked fruits and seeds, various. P 4S Trapa (water chestnut), hooked. P 49 Trapa bicornis, hooked. P 50 Trapa bicornis, anchoring. P 51 Martynia sp., horned fruit. P 52 Harpagophytum, hooked fruit. P LEGUMINOUS FRUITS AND SEEDS. 53 Various leguminous fruits and seeds. P 54 Medicago echinus, growing. P 55 Medicago echinus, flowers and fruit. P 56 Mucuna hexandra (hairy). P 57 Mimosa, sensitive. P 58 Scorpiurus vermicuLata (caterpillar fruits). P 59 Acacia arabica (Lomentum). P 60 Acacia sphaorocephala, ant sheltering plant, spjnes, and fruit. P 61 Afzelia cuanzensis. P MISCELLANEOUS. 62 Collective and aggregate fruits. D 63 Capsular fruits. D 64 Viola fruit sand leaves. P 65 Nicandra physaloides, accrescent calyx. P 6S PhysaLis (Chinese, lanterns), accrescent calyx. P 67 Ipomea chrysantha, accrescent calyx. P 68 Sapingi sp., monkey pot. P 60 Nelumbium, lotus lily (in lake). D 70 Nelumbium, lotus lily, fruit. D 71 Nigella damascena. P 72 Metrodorea atropurpurea. P 73 Juglans americana. P 74 Areca catechu. P and Seeds— Continued. 75 Illicium anisatum, star anise. 76 Helecteres isona (twisted fruit). 77 Adamsonia digitata baobab. 73 Hibiscus esculenta. 79 Eucalyptus globulus. 80 Calamus spectabilis (rattan cane). 81 Wet and dry conditions, fruit, Trago- pogon. 82 Anastatica (resurrection plant), wet and dry. 83 Protection of seeds against wet. 81 Protection of seeds against wet. 85 Protection of seeds against animals. 8G Protection of seeds against animals. 87 Euphorbia exigua, enlarged. 83 Hyoscyamus niger, enlarged. 83 Silene pendula, enlarged. 90 Spergularia marina, enlarged. 91 Nemesia sp., enlarged. 92 Capsella (shepherd’s purse), L.S., x 9. 93 Sunflower. L.S. seed, x 35. 94 Date fruit (young), T.S., x 6. PHOTOMICROGRAPHS. 95 Fig, young fruit, L.S., x 3. M 96 ASthusa cynapium, T.S. cremocarp. MT 97 Fceniculum, T.S. cremocarp. MT 98 Smymium, T.S. cremocarp. M 99 Capsicum, L.S. seed, showing embryo. M 100 Cubeb, T.S. fruit. M 101 Ivy, fruit, T.S. M 102 Holly, fruit, T.S. M 103 Cucumber, T.S. fruit (young). Sf 104 Pinus, T.S. seed (Polycotyledonous). M Section BB 17—PLANT EMBRYOLOGY and FERTILIZATION. A series of selected photomicrographs. Plain Slides only 1/6 each. 1 Fritillaria, embryo-sac, mitosis, reduction division, 12 chromosomes. 2 Fritillaria, after fertilisation, second divi- sion of egg, early stage. 3 Fritillaria, after fertilisation, second division of egg, later stage. 4 Fritillaria, after fertilisation, second division of egg, later stage. 5 Fritillaria, after fertilisation, second division of egg, later stage. 6 Fritillaria, after fertilisation, second division complete; 4 nucleate embryo-sac. 7 Fritillaria, after fertilisation complete; arrangement of 4 nuclei. 8 Fritillaria, after fertilisation; 4-nucleate embryo-sac. a stage of arrangement. 14 Lilium Martagon, flowering plant. P 15 Lilium Martagon. flowering head enlarged. P 16 Lilium Pollen mother cells, various stages. M 17 Lilium Pollen mother cells, di-aster stage, x 500. M 18 Lilium Pollen mother cells, completion of 1st division. M 19 T ilium Embryo sac, megaspore. M 20 Lilium Embryo sac, synapsis. M 21 Lilium Embryo sac, splitting of chromo- somes. M 22 lilium Embryo sac, 1st Division. M 23 Lilium Embryo sac, 1st Division. M 24 Lilium Embryo sac, 2nd Division. M 25 Lilium Embryo sac, 2nd Division. M 26 Lilium Embryo sac, 4-nuclei stage. M 27 Lilium Embryo sac, ripe. M 28 Lilium fertilisation, fusion of male and female nuclei. M 29 Lilium fertilization, 1st division fertilized egg. M 30 Lilium fertilisation, 1st division oospores young walls formed. M 31 Lilium fertilization, 1st division oospores later stage. M 37 Capsella, development of embryo. D 38 Capsella, young embryo, L.S. M 39 Capsella, curled embrvo, L.S., later stage. M 40 Capsella, seed and embryo. M 46 Alisma, life cycle. I) 47 Alisma, young embryo. M 48 Alisma, young embryo, a little later. M 49 Alisma, young embryo, further advanced. M All Slides may be had Plain —unless otherwise stated. P— Photograph. D— Drawing or Diagram. M— Photomicrograph. T.S. —Transverse Section L.S. —Longitudinal Section. —44—