Kinematograph year book (1927)

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3i8 The Kinemato graph Year Book. BOLSOVER (Derby), Pop. 11,481. Central Hall. — Prop., J. R. Dakin. Nine shows weekly. Two changes weekly. Station, Bolsover, L.N.E.R. New Palace, Town End. — Prop. v New Palace (Bolsover), Ltd. Gen. Man., W. A. Pitkin. Booked at Hall. Not continuous. Pi ices, 4d. to is. Stations, Bolsover, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. BOLTON (Lancs), Pop. 178,678. Atlas Picture House, Fletcher Street.— Prop., Atlas Picture House (Bolton), Ltd. Res. Man., James Stott. Booked by F. E. Spring, 3, The Parsonage, Manchester. Continuous. Mat. Mon. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Bolton 1300. Station, Bolton, L.M.S. Bee-hive Picture House, Bark Street. — Prop., E. Grattan Milloy, Ltd., 12, Cannon Street, Manchester. Res. Man., G. Allan. Booked at Manchester. Once nightly. Two changes weeklv. Prices. 3d. to gd. Phone, Bolton 1878. Station, Trinity Street, L.M.S. Belle Electric Theatre, Astley Bridge, Belmont Road. — Prop, and Man., A. Dawson. Two shows nUhtlv. Two changes weeklv. Station, Bolton, L.M.S. Derby Picture Theatre, Derby Street. — Prop., M. and R. Dewhurst. Res. Man., Thos. Booth. Booked by M. Dewhurst, 217, Whitegate Drive, Blackpool. Two shows nightly. . Prices, 3d to 6d. Phone, Bolton 1363. Station, Bolton, L.M.S. Empire Picture Theatre, Howard Street. — Prop., M. and R. Dewhurst. Man., C. Rudderham. Booked by M. Dewhurst, 217, Whitegate Drive, Blackpool. Two shows nightly. Prices, 3d .to 6d. Phone, Boltcn 1363. Station, Bolton, L.M.S. Gem Picturedrome, Darley Street. — Prop, and Man., Capt. Geo. B. Row. Booked by Jas. Brearley, 21, Bridge Street, Manchester. Continuous. Station, Trinity Street, Bolton. Hippodrome, Deansgate. — Prop., Bolton Theatre and Entertainments Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., W. R. Bleakley. Res. Man., W. A. Collison. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Phone, Bolton 781. Station, Trinity Street, L.M.S. Imperial Playhouse, Deansgate.— Res. Man. W. Sutton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Bolton 1312. Station. Bolton, L.M.S. King's Hall, Farnworth. — Prop., Magee Mar shall and Co., Ltd. Res. Man., S. Gibson . Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices. 3d. to is. Station, Farnworth, L.M.S. Mount Cinema. — Prop., Bolton Cinematograph Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., F. S. Hampson. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Bolton, 1673. Station, Bolton, L.M.S. Olympia, Spa Road. — Prop., Rhodes Pictures, Ltd., 207, Oxford Road, Manchester. Phone, Ardwick 3359. Res. Man. , J. Makinson. Continuous. Prices, 3d., 3d. and 6d. Phone, Bolton 2402. Station, Bolton, L.M.S. Palace, Bury Old Road. — -Prop., Palace Picture House (Bolton), Ltd. Res. Man., Geo. F. Haslam. Continuous. Mat., Mon. and Wed. Two changes weekly, Prices, 3d. to 8d. Phone, Bolton 1155. Station, Trinitv Street Bolton, L.M.S. Palace, King Street, Farnworth. — Prop., Empire Picture Co., 9, Maudsley Street, Bolton. Phone, Bolton 1469. Res. Man., J. W. C. Knight. Booked by R. T. Jackson at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Bolton 28. Station, Farnworth, L.M.S., and per Auto Carrier Mrs. Heathcote. Palladium, Higher Bridge Street. — Prop. A. Levine. Man., F. Hardy. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Phone, 2024. Station, Bolton, L.M.S. Paragon Electric Theatre, Bradshawgate.— Prop., W. Ramsden. Mats., daily. Two changes weeklv. Prices, 3d. to is. ' Station, Bolton, L.M.S. Picturedrome, Tong Moor Road. — Prop., M. J. McVittie. Continuous. Four nights weekly. Prices, 3d. to 8d. Station, The Oaks. Princess Cinema. — Prop., Princess Cinema Ltd. Man., F. E. Spring. Two shows nightly, Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Queen's Picture Hall.— Prop., Bolton Picture Hall Co., Ltd. Res. Man.,G,C Coop. Continuous. Mat. .daily. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Bolton 125 1. Station, Trinity Street, L.M.S. Queen's Theatre, Farnworth. — -Prop., Morton Powell. Dramatic, Variety and Pictures. Prices, 6d. to 2s. Phone, Bolton, 322 Regent, Deane Road. — Prop., Bolton Moore Kinema, Ltd. Man. Dir., T. Jones. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, 2188. Station, Bolton, L.M.S. Rialto Picture Playhouse. St. George's Road. . — Prop., Rialto (Bolton), Ltd., Res. and Booking Man., Chas. J. Spittle. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, Bolton 137. Station, Bolton (Trinitv Street), L.M.S. Royal Cinema. — Prop., Thomas Royle. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bolton 1086. Station, Bolton, L'M.S. Rumworth Cinema, Daubhill. — Prop., Bolton Cinematograph Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., F. S. Hampson. . Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Bolton 1716. Station, Bolton, L.M.S. Savoy, Long Causeway, Farnworth. — Prop., Savoy Picture Palace (Farnworth), Ltd. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Farnworth 263. Station, Farnworth, L.M.S. BOOSBECK (Yorks), Pop. 1,250. Empire Theatre. — Prop., Boosbeck Theatre, Ltd. Res. Man.. Walter S. Anderson. One show nightly, three on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Boosbeck. L.N.E.R. BOOTLE (Lancs), Pop. 76,508. Broadway Picture House, Stanley Road.— Prop., Broadway Picture House Co. (Bootle). Ltd. Booked by G. L. Wood, 19, Sweeting Street, Liverpool. Res. Man., John Scott Campbell. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 2d. Phone, Bootle 125. Station, Marsh Lane. Gainsborough, Knowsley Road. — Prop., Gainsborough Picture House Co. Res. Man., Walter Scott. Continuous: Imperial (late Sun Hall), Stanley Road. — Res. Man., George Prince. Mat. and once nightly. Prices, ;d. to is'. Phone, Bootle 72?. Metropole Theatre. — Leslie Greene Circuit. H.O., 7, Elliot Street, Liverpool. Phone, Royal 538. London Office : — 128, Nightingale Lane. S.W. Phone, Battersea 2647. Palace, Marsh Lane. — -Prop., Bootle Palace, Ltd. Man. Dir.. George Prince. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Daily Mat. Two changes weekly. Phone Bootle 17. Strand Cinema, Irlam Road. — Prop., The Strand (Bootle), Ltd. Head office, 19, Castle Street, Liverpool. Phone, Central 1545. Res. Man., Hal Lloyd. Booked at 19, Sweeting Street, Liverpool. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Bootle 286. Station, Marsh Lane.