Kinematograph year book (1927)

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Kinema Directory (England), 333 CREWE (Cheshire), Pop. 46,477. Empire, Heath Street.— Prop., C. W. House. Res. Man., J. A. Milton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Station, Crewe, L.M.S. Grand Cinema, West Street.— Man., H. Thompson. Three times daily. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, 228. Station, Crewe, L.M.S. Kino Picture House, Co-operative Hall.— Prop, and Res. Man.,G. M. Hand. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Four Mats. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d, to is. 2d. Phone, Crewe 11. Station, Crewe, L.M.S. Palace, Edleston Road.— Prop., H. A. Wilcox. Res. Man., H. A. Wilcox. Twice weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Station, Crewe, L.M.S. Queen's Hall Cinema, High Street. — Prop., New Empress Cinema Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., H. A. Wilcox. Booked at Hall, and by J. L. Harriman, Palace, Long Eaton. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Station, Crewe, L.M.S. CREWKERNE (Somerset), Pop. 3,703. Palace Theatre, West Street. — Prop., Capt. K. E. Coleberd. Res. Man., Thomas Stembridge. Booked at Hall. Prices, sd. to 2s. Station, Crewkerne, S.R. CRICH (Derbyshire), Pop. 3,000. Picture House. — Prop., Electric Cinema Co. (J. & J. M. Heath), Res. and Booking Man., J. M. Heath. Booked at Hall. Once nightly. Mat. and two shows Sat. Prices, 6d. and is. Phone, Ambergate 29. Station, Ambergate, L.M.S. CROMER (Norfolk), Pop. 5,435. Cromer Theatre of Varieties, Hans Place. — Prop., Theatre of Varieties, Ltd., Cromer Res. and Booking Man., Edward Trollor. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 2d. to 2s. Phone, Cromer 52. Station Cromer, L.N.E.R. CROOK (Co. Durham), Pop. 12,706. Empire Palace, Market Place.— Prop., NorthEastern Theatres, Ltd., 11, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone, Central 5104. Res. Man., J. M. Rae. Once nightly. Two changes weekly and Sunday programme. Prices, 3d. to is. Station, Crook, L.N.E.R. Hippodrome, Hope Street. — Prop., North Eastern Theatres, Ltd., 11, Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone, Central 5104. Man., Frank K. Seymour. Booked at H.O. by Sol. Sheckman. Once nightly, continuous Sat. Sunday programme. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Crook 83. Station, Crook, L.N.E.R. Theatre Royal, Addison Street.— Prop., North Eastern Theatres, Ltd., Bath Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Man., Frank K. Seymour. Booked at H.O., by Sol. Sheckman. Once nightly, twice Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Station, Crook, L.N.E.R. CROOKHAM CAMP (Hants). Crossroads Cinema. CROSBY (near Liverpool) (Lancs), Pop, 3,300. Corona Cinema, College Road.— Prop., Corona Cinema (Great Crosby), Ltd., Calder Dene, Beech Lane, Calderstones Park. Phone, Mossley Hill 249. Res. Man., J. Wallace Walker. Booked by T. H. Hughes at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Crosby 762. Station, Blundellsands and Crosby, L.M.S. Regent Picture House. — Prop., Crosby Picture House, Ltd., 24, North John Street, Liverpool. Phone, Bank 9236. Res. Man., L. L. Walls. Booked by J. F. Wood, 19, Sweeting Street, Liverpool. Phone, Bank 4076. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Crosby 700. Stations, Waterloo and Crosby, L.M.S. CROSSGATES (Nr. Leeds). Pop. 9,000. Picture House. — Prop., Crossgates Picture House, Ltd. Res. and Booking Man., A. R. Wood. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, 89. Station, Crossgates, L.M.S. CROSSHILLS (Yorks), Pop. 5,000. Picture House, Station Road.— Prop., Crosshills Picture House Co. Res. Man., Chas. NuttalJ. Booked at Hall. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to 8d. Phone, Crosshills 83. Station, Kildwick, L.M.S. CROSS KEYS (Mon.), Pop. 5,000. Coliseum. — Prop., Cross Keys Coliseum (Monmouthshire), Ltd. Res. Man., A. S. Waters. One show nightly. Two shows Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. Phone, Cross Keys 33. Station, Cross Keys, G.W.R. Palace. CROSTON (Lancs), Pop. 1,970. Cinema, Station Road. — Prop., E. Jackson and Sons. Res. Man., W. Jackson. Shows Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Croston, 36. Station, Croston, L.M.S. CROWBOROUGH (Sussex), Pop. 6,500. Picture House, Croft Road. — Props., Shipman and King., 26, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. Phone, Regent 3269. Res. Man., R. G. Fisher. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Mats., Wed. and Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 6d. Station, Crowborough, S.R. CROWLAND (Northants). Cinema. — Prop., W. Soames, Stamford House, Market Deeping. Booking Man., P. J. Wainwright, Burmer Road, Peterborough. Once nightly. Prices, 5d. to is. 3d. Station, Peterborough (North), L.M.S. 64 I V A HF PI TTTf " THE HUNDRED PER CENT. I UHi rUHl, ATTRACTION, "THE STROLLING PLAYERS," (By arrangement with Mr. Louis London.) Exploitation Rights for United Kingdom and Ireland controlled by FAMOUS FILMS (LONDON), Cha5r,ndgencmraorsI !5aedetw.c.2 Telephone: Regent 3672. Telegrams : Morfilm, Westcent.