Kinematograph year book (1927)

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Kinema Directory (England). 335 Central Palace.— Prop., George P. Fenton and Stanley Rogers. Res. Man., G. F. Park. Booked at Hall bv George P. Fenton. Continuous. Prices, 2d. to 6d. Station. Darlington, L.N.E.R. Court Kinema. — Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., 123, Regent Street, London. W.i. Phone, Regent 3212. Res. Man., Vivian Brandon. Booked at H.O., by A. W. Jarratt. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Darlington 2616. Station. Darlington (Bank Top), L.N.E.R. Empire. — Prop., Darlington Cinematograph Co., Ltd. Res. Man., A. T.Chalmers. Continuous. Daily mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Darlington, L.N.E.R. Scala. — Prop., Scala Cinema. Res. Man., E. Mellor. Continuous. Mat., Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Phone, Darlington 2152. Station, Darlington. DARNALL (near Sheffield) (Yorks), Pop. 5,000. Cinema House, Calcliffe Road.— Prop., W. C. Brindley, 41, Brook Road, Meersbrook Park, Sneffield. Res. Man., W. C. Brindley. Booked at Hall between 1 and 2 p.m. daily. Two shows nightly. Mats., Sat. and special days. Prices, 3d. to 6d. Phone, Attercliffe 345. Station, Sheffield, c.o. Parcels Office. Phillips Road Transport from Leeds and District. Lyric Picture Palace.— Prop., Lyric Picture House Co., Ltd. Man. Dir., E. C. Clayton. Res. Man., H. Lacey. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Phone, Attercliffe 350. Station, Darnall, L.N.E.R. DARTFORD (Kent), Pop. 26,005. Cinema, Lowfield Street. Prop., Dartford Cinema Co. Res. Man., Mrs. West. Booked at Hall. Prices, 4d. to is. 3d. Phone, Dartford 372. Station, Dartford, S.R. Gem.— Prop. , L. Morris. Res. Man., A. H. Thomas. Prices, 6d. to 2s. 4d. Phone, Dartford 182. Station, Dartford, S.R. Scala Theatre, Kent Road. — Prop.. L. Morris, 91, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 1700. Res. Man., A. H. Thomas. ' Booked at H.O., by Prop. Pictuies and Varxty. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Dartford 182. Station, Dartford, S.R. DARTMOUTH (Devon), Pop. 7,201. Cinedrome— Prop., George Northcott, 4, Valletort Terrace, Devonport. Res. Man.. P. Coles. Booked at H.O. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 5d. to is. iod. Phone. Dartmouth 68. Station, Dartmouth. DARTON (near Barnsley) (Yorks), Pop, 11,266. Empire. — Prop., Provincial Empire Theatres, Ltd. Res. Man., A. Overend. Booked at Rovston by J. Ball, Palace. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Station, Darton, L.M.S. DARWEN (Lancs), Pop. 37,913. Albert Hall, Duckworth Street. — Prop., Darwen Cinema Co. Man., Bert Shorrock. Booked at Hall by Man. Two shows nightly. Two Mats, weekly. Prices, 3d. to gd. Phone, Darwen 243. Station, Darwen, L.M.S. Olympia, Bolton Road. — Lessees, Yorke and Yorke. Two shows nightly. One mat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Darwen 384. Station, Darwen, L.M.S. Palladium. — Props., H. Whalley & Sons. Man., H. Greenhalgh. Two shows nightly. Four mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Darwen 480. Public Hall. — Prop, and Man., R. Leach. Booked at Hall. Once nightly, except Fri. ,Sats and holidays. Prices, 3d. to 9d. Phone, Darwen 264. Station, Darwen, L.M.S. Savoy Picture House, Blackburn Road. — Prop., W. Lloyd. Res. Man., W. C. Robinson. Two shows nightly. Two Mats. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to is. Phone, Darwen 39. Station, Darwen, L.M.S. Theatre Royal. — Prop., J. Holgate. Man., Jas. Parkinson. Twice nightly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Darwen 193. DAVENTRY (Northants), Pop. 3,530. Danetre Picture House, New Street. — Prop., Daventry Picture Theatre Co., Warwick. Booked by R. Neale, 64, Warwick Street, Daventry. Four shows weekly. Two changes. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Phone, Daventry 17. Station, Daventry, L.M.S. DAWDON COLLIERY (Co. Durham), Pop. 3,000. Princess.— Prop., Princess Entertainments, Ltd. Res. Man., J. Walton. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. Station, Sealham Harbour, L.N.E.R. DAWLEY (Salop ), Pop. 7388. Cosy Cinema. DAWLISH (Devon), Pop. 4,672. Cinema. — Prop, and Res. Man., L. J. Shapter. Booked by him at 2, The Strand. One show nightly. Mat., Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Dawlish 2. Station, Dawlish, G.W.R. DEAL (Kent), Pop. 12,990. Queen's, High Street. — Prop., Queen's Cinema Co. Res. Man., G. C. Brown. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Mats. Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 4d. to is. 2d. Films by Kent Films Motor Transport Co. Theatre Royal Cinema, King Street. — Prop. Deal and Walmer Amusements Ltd., 4 and 5, Park Street, Deal. Res. Man., Chas. Collins. Booking Manager, Chas. Collins. Two shows nightly. Two mats, weekly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to is. 5d. Station, Deal, S.R. DENABY (nr. Rotherham) (Yorks), Pop. 3.000. Empire Palace, Doncaster Road. — -Prop., Empire Palace (Denaby), Ltd. Res. Man., T. W. Goodison. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly except Friday. Three changes weekly. Prices 3d. to 8d. Phone, Conisborough 46. Station, Conisborough, L.N.E.R. DENHOLME (nr. Bradford) (Yorks.), Pop. 2,938. Mechanics' Hall. — Prop., Trustees of Denholme Mechanics' Institute. Hon. Supervisors, H. V. Bancroft and Chas. Moore. Booked through Imperial Animated Picture Co., 5, Hustlergate, Bradford. One show on Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 3d. to gd. Station, Denholme, L.N.E.R. " P.D.C — THE HOUSE OF VARIETY."