Kinematograph year book (1950)

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182 The Kinemato graph Year Book. Directors : Herbert Marshall, Alfredda Brilliant. Type of Production : Entertainment features and shorts, documentary, educational. CIVEH FILM PRODUCTIONS, LTD. 45, Dereham Road, Norwich. Tel. 24894. Directors : V. E. Harrison, A. Bolas. Type of Production : Documentary, advertising. CLAPHAM PARK FILM STUDIOS (HOLDINGS), LTD. C. F. S. House, 201-5, Clapham Park Road, S.W.4. Tel. : Macaulay 1082-3. Directors : Frank Thrower (Managing) ; L. W. Le Gros, D. S. J adding, O.B.E. Full facilities for sound recording on R.C.A. type P.M. 45. Mobile sound unit, dubbing and preview theatre. Three cutting rooms fitted with latest Acmade cutting equipment. COLONIAL FILM UNIT (C.O.I.) 21, Soho Square, London, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 2666. Production : W. Sellers, M.B.E. Direction : George Pearson, Hon. F.R.P.S. Type of Production : Films for Colonial Governments. COLUMBIA BRITISH PRODUCTIONS, LTD. 139, Wardour Street, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 4321. Production Office : 13, Wigmore Street, W.l. Tel. : Langham 4571 Directors : Jack Segal (Managing Director) ; Harry Cohn, Jack Cohn, Max Thorpe, F. G. Hill, L. R. Woolner, M. F. Harris. Secretary : F. G. Hill. COMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL FILM (The Topical Press Agency, Ltd.) 20-21, Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C.4. Tel. : Central 8982-4. Directors : E. J. J. Mallison ; J. Oliver ; V. M. Palmer, A. S. Parkes. Type of Production : Commercial shorts. CONCANEN PRODUCTIONS 161, New Bond Street, London, W.l. Tel. : Regent 4189. Denham Laboratories, Denham. Bucks. Tel. : Denham 2323. Directors: Derrick deMarney (Man. Dir.) ; M. J. Wilson, J. H. Hudson. Producer : Derrick de Marney. Personnel : Documentary supervisor ... Mary Harvey Publicity Mae Dovey Director Stefan Osiecki Assistant James Colin a CONCORD PRODUCTIONS, LTD. Hammer House, 113, Wardour Street, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 5308 Directors : J. Gardner Lewis ; M. S. Lewis, M. E. M. Harvey, T. L. Scott. Directors of Productions : J. Gardner Lewis, Maurice Harvey. Secretary : Stanley E. Morris. CONDOR FILM CORPORATION, LTD. 3-4, Berners Street, W.l. Tel. : Grosvenor 2107. Directors : John Sutro, The Rt. Hon. Lord Rendlesham, Richard Grey, The Hon. G. E. Astley. Secretary : W. G. Carter. Type of Production : Entertain . ment features. Personnel : Executive producer . . John Sutro Producer Richard M. Grey Production supervisor . . Hylda Bagshaw Director of photography ... Cedric Williams Editor Rex Ensley CONSTELLATION FILMS, LTD. 5, Hanover Street, W.l. Tel. : Mayfair 1768-9. Registered Offices : 4, Lloyd's Avenue, E.C.3. Tel. : Royal 1762. Directors : Anthony HavelockAllan (Chairman) ; Robert Garrett, Donald McKelvie, C.A. Director of Publicity : Roy Schleman. Type of Production : Entertainment features.