Kinematograph year book (1950)

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202 The Kinematograph Year Book. MERTON PARK STUDIOS (200 mil. push-pull recording and 100 mil. standard track recording.) Studio and Location facilities and services at competitive rates 2 Sound Stages— 4,800 sq. ft. and 1,200 sq. ft., complete with Star and Crowd Dressing Rooms and usual Studio adjuncts. Music Scoring and Dubbing Theatre. Lip-sync. Dubbing Studio. 5 Western Electric Recording Channels (3 Mobile for Location work). Mitchell N/Cj Vinten Everest and other sync, and nonsync. Cameras. Fearless Rotating Velocilators, Location Dollies, etc. Modern Lighting Equipment for Studio and Location. 15 Fully-equipped Positive and Negative Cutting Rooms. A permanent staff of expert technicians for all phases of film production. For Studio or Location Requirements please apply to THE STUDIO MANAGER MERTON PARK STUDIOS LTD (Western Electric Recording) FACILITIES : SERVICES : ★ Kingston Road, S.W.I9. Telephone: LIBERTY 4291 Nearest Stations: Wimbledon Town by Southern or District Railways ; South "Wimbledon by Morden Line, thence by bus.