Kinematograph year book (1950)

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British Production. 207 PHARAOH PRODUCTIONS, LTD. "White Gables," Cookham Dean, Berks. Tel. : Marlow 668. Registered Office : Abford House Wilton Road, S.W.I. Directors : Paul King (Chairman) ; G. S. Ward ; Bernard W. Shilson, O.B.E. Type of Production : Entertainment features, documentary. PICCADILLY CINEMATOGRAPH FILM PRODUCTIONS, LTD. 106, Wardour Street, London, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 4422. Directors : C. PattinsonKnight (Managing Director) ; T. Svens son ; W. Grummitt ; Director of Publicity : S. Mc Alister. PICTOR FILMS, LTD. Africa House, Kingsway, W.C.2. Tel. : Holborn 4444. Directors : The Earl of Wilton (Chairman) ; Marquis de Casa Maury (Cuban), N. F. Boyes. Type of Production : Entertainment features, shorts. PILGRIM PICTURES, LTD. 1, Hanover Square, W.l. Tel, : Mayfair 8361. Production Offices : 297, Oxford Street, W.l. Tel.: Mayfair 4392. Directors : Alan Jarvis (Executive Director) ; F. Del Giudice (Chairman and Managing Director) ; A. F. De Reya. Secretary : Gino Cattaneo. Type of Production : Entertainment features. PINEWOOD FILMS, LTD. Pinewood Studios, Iver Heath,Bucks. Tel. : Iver 700. Directors : J. Arthur Rank, D.L., J. P. (Chairman) ; John Davis ; G. Archibald, J. P. (Managing Director) . General Manager: Tom White, M.B.E. Secretary : P. C. L. Moore. Type of Production : Entertainment features. PINNACLE PRODUCTIONS, LTD. National House, 60, Waidour Street, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 6429, 6420 and 1694. Directors : W. A. Smith (Chairman) ; L. R, Binns, F.C.A. ; R. F. Randall, C. Watson, Brock Williams (Executive Producer). Secretary : E. W. Sims. Type of Production : Entertainment features. POLYTECHNIC FILMS, LTD. " Stockwells," Berry Hill, Taplow, Bucks. Tel. : Maidenhead 2473. Directors : E. Smith Morris ; L. A. D'Arcy Pearce ; E. A. Lloyd. Secretary and General Manager: G. C. Jacobson. Type of Production : Entertainment features and shorts, documentaries, instructional, advertising, educational, cartoon. MICHAEL POWELL & EMERIC PRESSBURGER PRODUCTIONS. (Vega Productions, Ltd.). 146, Piccadilly, W.l. Tel. : Mayfair 8272. Directors : Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger. General Manager : George R. Busby. Director of Publicity : Vivienne Knight. PREMIER PRODUCTIONS, LTD. 27, Princes Gate, London, S.W.7. Tel.: Kensington 2491-4. 'Grams: Filmprem, Southkens, London. Directorate : Isidore Ostrer (Chairman), Maurice Ostrer (Managing Director). Secretary and Accountant: R. E. Orton. In Charge Scenarios : Harry Ostrer. Production Management : A. Fennell. Type of Production : Entertainment features. PRESBURY AND CO., LTD. Gloucester House, 19, Charing Cross Rd., W.C.2. Tel. Whitehall 3601. Directors : S. Presbury (Governing) ; P. S. Presbury ; J, G. Presbury ; R. Salisbury ; W. J. Smith. Type of Production : Advertising, industrial, educational, documentary.