Kinematograph year book (1950)

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212 The Kinematograph Year Book. paper sculpture, titles, rostrum photography, industrial, educational. Personnel : Technical directors . . S. G. Griffiths Art manager . . . . Len Kirley Head animator . . . . Harold Whitaker TAURUS FILM PRODUCTIONS, LTD. 74-76, Old Compton Street, London, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 8708-9. Directors : Randal Terraneau: Victor Kennett, John Page, Joan Duff. TECHNICAL & INDUSTRIAL FILM PRODUCTIONS, LTD. Glenbuck Studios, Glenbuck Road, Surbiton, Surrey. Tel. : Embridge 5211-2-3. Directors : P. J. Lancelot Smith, M.A., F.R.I. C, F.R.S.E. ; R. Neall, M.B.E., M.A. ; Major H. V. Hughes. Type of Production : Documentary, instructional, advertising, educational. Personnel : In charge of production . . H. V. Hughes Editor . . . . . . Madeline Walker TECHNICAL & SCIENTIFIC FILMS, LTD. (Associate of Film Producers' Guild, Ltd.) 53, New Oxford Street, W.C.I. Tel. : Temple Bar 2092. Directors : E. P. L. Pelly (Chairman) ; Dr. Denis Ward, B.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.P.S. (Managing) ; A. T. Burlinson. Type of Production : Advertising, educational, industrial. THAMES AND CLYDE FILM CO., LTD. 41, St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, C.l. Tel. : Central 2601-2 Directors : S. L. Russell ; Leslie Murray ; S. Seeman. THE TOPICAL FILM CO., LTD. North Circular Rd., Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Tel. : Gladstone 4271. Type of Production : Advertising ; commercial ; educational ; documentary. THIS MODERN AGE. 25, Savile Row, W.l. Tel. : Regent 0613 (5 lines). Directors : J. Arthur Rank, D.L., J. P. (Chairman) ; Lord Archibald, John Davis, G. I. Woodham Smith. Secretary : P. C. L. Moore. Type of Production : Specialised documentary. Personnel : Producer . . . . . . Sergei Nolbandov Associate producer and literarv editor . . J. L. Hodson, O.B.E. Deputy associate producer and literary editor J. R. Gregson Production manager . . N. H. Nesse Research . . . . . . J. J. Bredin ; D. W. Clarke; J. C. Gray; A. Rice; Miss J. Robins Cameramen . . . . G. Currin ; P. Hennessy ; C. Hornby ; E. Mcore ; W. Pollard ; D. Ransome. Film editors . . . . L. Allen ; A. Eggleton ; W. Hyde ; R. Verral. Film librarian M. Durham Sound recordist . . . . J. L. Woodiwiss TRANSATLANTIC PICTURES CORPORATION, LTD. 36, Golden Square, London, W.l. Tel.: Gerrard 3554. 'Grams: " Berdarold, Piccy, London." Cables : Transpic London. Directors : Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney L. Bernstein. Secretary : Joseph Warton, A.C.R.A. Type of Production : Entertainment features. TRANS-WORLD FILMS, LTD. 130, Wardour St., W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 3400. Directors : H. W. Collinson, K. A. Collinson. TRAVIS JACKSON PRODUCTIONS. Studios, Hest Bank, Nr. Morecambe. Tel. : Hest Bank 3375. Production Manager : Capt. W. Travis Jackson. Type of Production : Technical, scientific, special effects, entertainment. 35 mm. only.