Kinematograph year book (1950)

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214 The Kinematograph Year Book. TRIDENT FILMS, LTD. 77, Dean Street, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 1458-9. Directors : H. Annesley Brownrigg, Rosanne Brownrigg. Type of Production : Documentary, instructional, educational. Personnel : Producer . . . . Rosanne Brownrigg Directors . . . . . . R. Brownrigg ; H. A. Brownrigg Cameraman . . . . . . Harry Maynard Scriptwriter. . . . . . Douglas Jackson TROJAN FILM PRODUCTIONS, LTD. 146, Broadhurst Gardens, N.W.6Tel. : Maida Vale 5680. Directors : A. W. Soden, F.R.T.B.A. Tom Cundall, A. McDougall. Cameraman : A. Mavrogordato. Type of Production : Entertainment, documentary and educational shorts. TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX PRODUCTIONS, LTD. Twentieth Century House, Soho Square, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 7766. Grams, and Cables : Cent Fox, London. Production Office : 144, Piccadilly, W.l. Tel.: Mayfair8272. Grams. and Cables : Twenyfox, London. Studio : London Film Studio, Shepperton, Middx. Tel. : Chertsey 2211. Directors : L. Munson (U.S.A.) (Man. Dir.) ; W. J. Kupper (U.S.A.) ; K. N. Hargreaves ; J. F. Pattinson, B. Litchfield. TWICKENHAM FILM STUDIOS. St. Margarets. Tel. : Popesgrove 4451. (See Alliance Film Studios Ltd.) TWO CITIES FILMS, LTD. Production Office : Denham Studios, Uxbridge, Middlx. Tel. : Denham 2345. Regd. Office : Pinewood Studios, Iver Heath, Bucks. Tel. : Iver 700. Directors : J. Aithur Rank, D.L., J.P. (Chairman) ; Earl St. John (U.S.A.) (Man. Dir.) ; John Davis, Dr. A. Galperson (Polish). Secretary : P. C. L. Moore. Tel. ; • Iver 700, Ext. 117 UNITED FILM PRODUCTIONS 10, West Hill Road, East Putney, S.W.18. Tel. : Vandyke 7783. Studios : Putney, S.W.15. Directors : Jesse S. W. SearleShirley (Chairman), V. A. SearleShirley, Edgar Brandt, Peter W. Miles. Type of Production : Entertainment, documentary, educational. Two stages : Lighting, Mole Richardson, G.E.C., Kamden. Personnel: Director of production J. Searle-Shirley,B.Sc. Technical director ... Edgar Brandt, B.Sc. Administration ... V. A. Searle-Shirley Sound supervision W. Roberts Camera supervision Jack Searle Art direction ... D H. Shirley UNIVERSAL NEWS. (See Gaumont-British News.) VALIANT FILMS, LTD. 5, Hanover Street, W.l. Tel.: May fair 1768-9. Regd. Offices : Canada House, Norfolk Street, W.C.2. Directors : Anthony HavelockAllan (Chairman) ; Robert Garrett, J. D. Saunders. Director of Publicity: Roy Schleman. Type of Production : Entertainment features. VANDYKE PICTURE CORPORATION, LTD. 1a, Cadogan Place, S.W.I. Tel.: Sloane 3341. Directors : R. D. Proudlock, N. G. D. Proudlock, P. L. Stafford. Type of Production : Entertainment features and shorts, documentary. VERITY FILMS, LTD. Guild House, Upper St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.2. Tel. : Temple Bar 5664-5. Studios : Merton Park Studios, 269. Kingston Rd., S.W.19. Tel. : Liberty 4291. Directors : E. P. L. Pelly (Chairman); R. H. Riley (Managing Director) ; A. T. Burlinson. Associate of Film Producers' Guild, Ltd.