Kinematograph year book (1950)

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Studio Service Companies. 219 Studio Service Companies ACMADE, LTD. Showrooms and Cutting rooms : Acmade House, 101, Wardour Street, W.l. Tel.: Gerrard 5589. Works : Colneside Works, Oxford Road, New Denham, nr. Uxbridge, Middlesex. Tel. : Uxbridge 2015/6. Directors : J. H. Hopwood (Managing) ; G. G. Hopwood ; F. Gill. Manufacturers of cutting-room equipment and general motion-picture engineers. Fully equipped cutting rooms to let at Acmade House. ALFA PHOTOGRAPHIC LABORATORIES, LTD. 72, Wardour Street, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 2112 and 7088. Laboratories : Redhill, Surrey. Tel. : Redhill 2578. Directors: P, A. Haymsen (Managing), B. Leigh, G. F. Ransom. Secretary : V. Anne Sharp. Film stills, film strips in colour, multi-colour cinema slides, combined exposure meter and colour temperature meter. ALL POWER TRANSFORMERS, LTD. 8a, Gladstone Road, Wimbledon, S.W.I 9. Tel. : Liberty 3303. Directors: Fit. /Lieut. O. B. Thompson, M.I.B.E. ; N. A. D. Thompson ; Major G. O. Walter, M.B.E., A.M.I.E.E. Manufacturers of special electronic apparatus, constant voltage power supplies, transformers, etc. ANGLO-AMERICAN COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC INDUSTRIES, LTD. 30, Oueen's Grove, St. John's Wood, N.W.8. Tel.: Primrose 3734. Cables : '; Chromartco," London. Directors : Hans von Fraunhofer (Managing) ; V. C. Ponsonby. " Chromart " processes for 35-mm. and 16-mm. motion pictures, and "Chromart" process for colour photography and stills. ACMADE MOTION PICTURE ENGINEERS ACMADE HOUSE, 101 WARDOUR ST., W.l. Telephone: GERRARD 5589 manufacturers of • ACMIOLA FILM VIEWING AND SOUND REPRODUCING MACHINES • FOOT JOINERS • SYNCHRONIZERS • REWINDERS, ETC., ETC. • SPECIAL APPARATUS Head Office & Works : COLNESIDE WORKS, OXFORD RD., DENHAM. Telephone: UXBRIDGE 2015