Kinematograph year book (1950)

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422 The Kin etnato graph Year Booh. YORK — continued. Rialto Cinema (btp), Fishergate. Phone, York 2119. — Props., Prendergast and Winder. 1,800 seats. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, is. to 2s. 3d. St. George's Cinema (we), Castlegate. Phone, York 253811. — Circuits Management Association, Ltd., Albion House, 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.i. Phone, Temple Bar 4333 Continuous. Prices, is. 3d. to 2s. 9d. Exhibition Hall attached. Station, York (B.R.). Tower Picture Theatre (we), New Street. Phone, York 2298. — Props., Tower Picture Theatre (York), Ltd., 58, King Edward Street, Hull. Booked at H.O. 900 seats. Continuous. Prices, is. to 2s. gd. Station York (B.R.). YOULGRAVE (Nr. Bakewell, Derbys), Pop. 1,214. Village Hall Cinema (kalee), Holywell Lane. — Prop., John Rose, Birley House, Youlgrave. Phone, 235. 200 seats. Continuous. Prices, 3d. to is. 3d. Booked at Hall. Dance Hall attached. Station, Bakewell. CHANNEL ISLES ALDERNEY Lyceum. Prop., M. H. Higgs. GUERNSEY, Pop. 40,000. Gaumont, St. Julians Avenue. Phone, Guernsey 160. — Circuits Management Association, Ltd., Albion House, 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.i. Phone, Temple Bar 4333. Continuous. Prices, is. to 2s. 9d. Station, Guernsey. North Cinema (rca), Vale Avenue, Vale. Phone, 4262. — Prop., G. W. Symons, Benbow Bridge, St. Sampsons. Phone, 4446. 500 seats. Once nightly, Mon., Wed., Thurs., Sat. and Sun. Three changes weekly. Prices, is. to 2S. 4d. Booked at H.O. Station, White Rock (B.R.). Odeon (rca), Upland Road. Phone, 320. — Circuits Management Association, Ltd., Albion House, 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.i. Phone, Temple Bar 4333. Continuous. Prices, is. to 3s. JERSEY Forum (we), La Chasse. Phone, 2400. — Prop., Forum, Ltd., 16, Hill Street. 1,615 seats. Three shows daily. Prices, is. 6d. to 2s. 6d. Booked at H.O. Cafe. Phone, 2400. Proscenium width, 38 ft. Stage, 31 ft. 6 in. deep. Six dressing-rooms. Station, Jersey. Gorey Cinema (g-b. kalee) Gorey. Phone, Gorey 380. — Props. Gorey Cinema, Ltd. 186 seats. Once nightly. Mat. Sat. Prices is. 2d. to 2S. 3d. Booked at HaU. Station, Jersey. Opera House, Gloucester Street. Phone, Jersey 165. — Circuits Management Association, Ltd., Albion House, 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.i. Phone, Temple Bar 4333. Continuous. Prices, is. to 3s. Station, Jersey Quay. Royal Hall (bth), St. Helier. Phone, Jersey 487. — Prop., West's Pictures, Jersey, Ltd. 896 seats. Three shows daily. Prices, is. to 3s. 4d. ISLE OF MAN CASTLETOWN, Pop. 2,000. Cosy (bth). Phone, Castletown 2132. Props., Ramsey Amusements, Ltd., " Plaza Cinema," Ramsey, I.o.M. Phone, Ramsey 3224, 414 seats. Continuous. Mon.,' Thurs. and Sat., from 6.15 p.m. Once nightly. Tues., Wed., Fri. Prices, gd. to is. 6d. Booked by R. E. Ratcliff, " Rabeny," Roby, Liverpool. Phone, Huyton 382. Proscenium width, 15 ft. Station, Castletown, I.O.M. DOUGLAS, Pop. (Winter) 20,000 (Summer) 60,000. Crescent (bth). — Prop., Palace and Derby Castle, Ltd., Masonic Buildings, Douglas. Phone, 2164. Booked by W. J. Hughes. 2,000 seats. Douglas Holiday Camp Cinema (we). Phone, Douglas 1880. — 2,000 seats. One show nightly. Admission free, to campers only. Snack Bar attached. Station, Douglas. Gaiety Theatre (bth). Phone, Douglas 191. — Prop., Palace and Derby Castle, Ltd., Douglas. Cinema performances on Sunday evenings only during season. Newt Regal Cinema (bth). Phone, Douglas 355. — Prop., Palace and Derby Castle, Ltd. Phone, 2164. Booked by W. J. Hughes. 1,219 seats. Picture House (bth), Strand Street. — Props., Palace and Derby Castle, Ltd. 1,600 seats. Continuous. Booked by W. J. Hughes Phone, Douglas 2164. Royalty Cinema (bth), Walpole Avenue. Phone, Douglas 759. — Prop., Palace and Derby Castle, Ltd., Royalty Cinema, Douglas. 1,150 seats. Booked by W. J. Hughes. Strand Cinema (bth), Strand Street. — Props., Palace and Derby Castle, Ltd. 1,050 seats. Continuous. Booked by W. J. Hughes. Phone, Douglas 2164. ONCHAN, Pop. 3,000. The Avenue (bth). Phone, Douglas 1331. — Props., Palace and Derbv Castle, Ltd., Douglas, I.O.M. 875 seats. Booked by W. J. Hughes. Phone 2164. PEEL, Pop. 2,690. Pavilion (bth), Stanley Road. Phone, Peel 224. — Prop., Palace and Derbv Castle Co., Ltd., Douglas, I.O.M. 389 seats. Phone 2164. Booked by W. J. Hughes. PORT ERIN Strand Cinema (bth). Phone, Port Erin 3217. — Prop., Palace & Derby Castle, Ltd., Masonic Buildings, Loch Promenade, Douglas, I.O.M. 700 seats. Booked by W. J. Hughes. Phone, 2164. RAMSEY, Pop. 5,323. Cinema House (bth), Albert Road. Phone, Ramsey 3224. — Props., Ramsev Amusements, ' Ltd. 600 seats. Booked by R. E. Ratcliff, " Raheny," Roby, Lanes. Continuous. Sunday, at 8 p.m. Prices, gd. to is. 3d. Plaza (bth). Phone, Ramsey 3224. — Props., Ramsev Amusements, Ltd. 950 seats. Booked by R. E. Ratcliff, " Raheny," Roby, Liverpool. Continuous. Suns., at 8 p.m. Occasional Variety. Prices, gd. to is. 9d. Proscenium width, 32 ft. Stage, 14 ft. deep. Two dressing-rooms. Cafe attached. Station, Ramsey.