The law of motion pictures (1918)

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' 814 APPENDIX moral, licentious, irreligious, or treasonable or seditious, shall be the legitimate subject of such registration or copyright. R. S., c. 62, s. 5. 8. Every work of which the copyright has been granted and is subsisting in the United Kingdom, and copyright of which is not secured or subsisting in Canada, under any Act of the Parliament of Canada, or of the Legislature of the late province of Canada, or of the legislature of any of the provinces forming part of Canada, shall, when printed and published, or reprinted and republished in Canada, be entitled to copyright under this Act; but nothing in this Act shall, except as hereinafter provided, be held to prohibit the importation from the United Kingdom of copies of any such work lawfully printed there. 2. If any suet copyright work is reprinted subsequently to its publication in the United Kingdom, any person who has, previously to the date of entry of such work upon the Registers of Copyright, imported any foreign reprints, may dispose of such reprints by sale or otherwise; but the burden of proof of establishing the extent and regularity of the transaction shall in such case be upon such person. R. S., c. 62, s. 6; 63-64 V., c. 25, s. 1. 9. Any literary work intended to be published in pamphlet or book form, but which is first published in separate articles in a newspaper or periodical, may be registered under this Act while it is so preliminarily published, if the title of the manuscript and a short analysis of the work are deposited at the Department, and if every separate article so published is preceded by the words, Registered in accordance with the Copyright Act: Provided