The law of motion pictures (1918)

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APPENDIX 817 the author or his legal representatives shall cause notice of such registration to be inserted once in the Canada Gazette. R. S., c. 62, s. 13. 16. The application for the registration of a copyright, or of a temporary or of an interim copyright may be made in the name of the author or of his legal representatives, by any person purporting to be agent of such author or legal representatives. 2. Any damage caused by a fraudulent or an erroneous assumption of such authority shall be recoverable in any court of competent jurisdiction. R. S., c. 62, s. 14. ASSIGNMENTS AND RENEWALS 17. The right of an author of a literary, scientific or artistic work to obtain a copyright, and the copyright when obtained, shall be assignable in law, either as to the whole interest or any part thereof, by an instrument in writing, made in duplicate, and which shall be registered at the Department on production of both duplicates and payment of the fee hereinafter mentioned. 2. One of the duplicates shall be retained at the Department, and the other shall be returned, with a certificate of registration, to the person depositing it. R. S., c. 62, s. 15. 18. Whenever the author of a literary, scientific or artistic work or composition which may be the subject of copyright has executed the same for another person, or has sold the same to another person for due consideration, such author shall not be entitled to obtain or to retain the proprietorship of such copyright, which is, by the said transaction, virtually transferred to the purchaser,