The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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| landed in Hollywood with just $22 to my name. And | lived for three weeks on about 14 cents a day while looking for a job. | finally got the job, as worker in a film laboratory. Then strange as it may seem | had a stroke of luck when my leg was broken in a motorcycle accident and | was laid up in the Paramount hospital. Things did not look good then, but a casting director seeing me there promised me some extra work after my injuries had healed. The work went along pretty well with me until | was given a fair réle in "Vengeance of the Deep." After that came a period of no work. Just as | had about decided that maybe | was not cut out to be an actor after all, | was offered a contract by Paramount and given a part in "In the Name of Love." My big chance was one of the leading parts in "Wings." | was born in Charlottesville, Virginia, later moving to St. Paul, Minn. | attended the University of Pennsylvania. In January, 1917, | came to New York and enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps, trained in England and served as pilot taking planes to the front. | have been a swimming instructor, worked in a brokerage office, written sports for the Duluth News Tribune and had a fling at the Texas oil fields. Kectearcl Clen/