The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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When | was in my third year at high school, | was forced to drop my studies, due to financial reverses, and look for work. | began to pose for photographic advertisements and was soon working fairly steadily for a youngster. | modelled for Howard Chandler Christy, among other painters. A motion picture scout on the lookout for new faces saw some of my photographs and took me to Jim Ryan at the Fox New York Studio, where | was immediately given a contract and packed off to Hollywood. With no screen experience and a little dazed by everything, | found myself as leading lady in "The Temple of Venus.” | completed my year's contract with Fox in a series of two-reel comedies. After that, determined not to quit, | played anything and everything that came my way. Finally a réle in "The Poor Nut" brought me to the attention of the big companies once more. And to cap the turn in my good fortune, talking pictures gave me my final boost. My family and | have learned to play safe, so we are still living in the bungalow we rented five years ago when we first came to Hollywood, and you won't see me when you are making the rounds of Hollywood's night life. It costs too much to dress up lavishly. We have bought a new car though. ua wt COT Dome TTT TTTIT LUT L Te IC iC) tit