The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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When I was ten years old, | decided to be an actor, and in spite of my mother's disapproval, | took part in amateur theatricals and played the lead in a number of high school: dramas. But when | left school | sold farm implements. | hadn't given up the idea of the stage however, and got my chance by accident. Dorothy Shoemaker's partner was taken ill, and Miss Shoemaker wha was to open in Louisville in two days was willing to grab the first actor who came along. One of my friends heard of her predicament and introduced me to her. | learned two songs with her on Sunday and on Monday we opened. | stayed in this act for two months until my mother varusided me to quit and return home. After several business failures, | joined the North Brothers Stock Company at Dallas where | saved my money, determined to get to Hollywood and try pictures. | got there, tried to crash the gates for six months and gave it up. Joined another stock company, was sent to New York by Oliver Morosco to play in “Lombardi, Ltd." | married Winifred Bryson on the day the show opened. After playing in Morosco productions in New York and on. the coast, Elmer Harris offered me the leading réle in "Her Own Money," and from that time on, | have been in pictures. | like good clothes, and | am a crank about system. Twas BG