The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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| was born in Richmond, Surrey, England, in 1891. When | was sixteen my father died and | got a job as office boy for the British Steamship Company in London at a salary of $2.50 a week. | became bookkeeper and junior accountant for the firm. At school | had played in amateur theatricals and now | continued with the Bancroft Amateur Dramatic Society. At the same time, for exercise and diversion, | enlisted in the London Scottish Regiment. | belonged to this regiment until 1913 and promptly rejoined it when war broke out the following year. | was a private soldier in Kitchener's "“Contemptibles" the first hundred thousand of England's army to land in France. At Messines a shell struck, there was an explosion, | stumbled and fractured my ankle. | was discharged by the medical board, having failed to get back into action in the other branches of the army. In 19201 came to New York to look for work, arriving there with exactly $37 in my pocket. | lived in a furnished room and was down to my last dollar when | got a part in support of Robert Warwick in "The Dauntless Three." After a few years of New York stage life, Henry King offered me the leading male réle in "The White Sister,” starring Lillian Gish. Then Samuel Goldwyn offered me a long term contract, and | definitely cast my fate with moving pictures. ci a AUNT VV AB Ny 3 a Vy aia: bel Cri —— il