The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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KY AN = RSS ‘a My father, Virgil K. Compson, was a graduate of Cornell and a mining engineer in Utah where | was born. | was the type of child who sang songs, recited and gave pantomimes for my mother and father. Later in high school | studied dramatics and played in short plays. My parents wanted me to be a musician so | studied the violin for seven years under George E. Skelton who is still teaching in Salt Lake City. Fortunately for me | did this, because when | was fifteen my father died and | was forced to work. After playing in an orchestra in a vaudeville theater in Salt Lake City, | had the opportunity to substitute for a missing vaudeville act, and afterwards went on tour playing the violin in a single act. When we reached San Francisco, my act was dropped from the bill, and | took a position taking care of a child while my mother cooked. We were very poor. After many more experiences than could fit into this brief space, | landed in pictures. There, too, | have had my ups and downs and contrary to opinion my comeback in pictures was not due to talking pictures. On the strength of my performance in "The Barker," | was cast in two silent pictures. During 1929, | played in eleven talking pictures—more than any other player. | do not like poverty and | dislike spoiled children because | have known both. Ett, Cusp ban,