The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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Blondes with blue eyes aren't supposed to make people laugh, but that was what | wanted to do, so in order to reach my goal | had to fight against the supposed handicap of my face and figure. After graduation from the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Hastings, New York, | succeeded in getting a job in the chorus of “Words and Music," | graduated to a dancing part in the musical show, "Oh Boy," and then | was given a part in the Follies. It was after | had posed for such artists as Howard Chandler Christy and Harrison Fisher, during my career in the Follies, that Mr. Ziegfeld billed me as “The Girl on the Magazine Cover." During a vacation visit in Florida | was photographed on the beach with some other girls. A producer saw this reel of film and offered me a chance in pictures. | wrote the scenario of my first picture, "Runaway Romany," and for quite a time | played conventional heroine parts. | had always wanted to play réles with a comedy background, and | injected a bit of impromptu humor into scenes of “When Knighthood Was in Flower." After that | was given a chance to further my ambition, and this led up to such pictures as “The Fair Co-ed," "The Patsy" and "The Floradora Girl,” which | admit are my favorites. (Cam Dowd “Te”