The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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RW \\y &s Y \\ 4 | have one outstanding fault. | play the cornet. But to begin at the beginning: | was born at Walpole, Mass., in 1905, and eventually paid my way through Boston University where | majored in Applied Psychology, by working in a restaurant and selling real estate. After finishing my second year at college, | met "Little Billy," a vaudeville actor at one of my father's three theaters in Onst, Mass. He invited me to tour the West with him acting as financial agent and property man. We eventually reached Los Angeles where | unleashed a suppressed desire to appear as an extra in a moving picture. | had $18, and just before | spent my last dollar | landed a job in a mob scene. After playing extras for a while, | was given the male lead in “Wings of Youth," then back to Mack Sennett comedies and anything | could get. When |! heard Frank Borzage was casting “Seventh Heaven," | went to see him to recommend a friend of mine for the part of Chico. He gave me the part instead. | like to swim, box, play golf and | own a sailboat. | have three crack bird dogs and like hunting. | would rather do character leads than straight leads. Have a cottage at Tolucca Lake and don't mind company provided they will do their own cooking. In fact they have to, if they want to be invited again.