The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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With the background of a grandfather who was a famous actor, and a mother who had made a name for herself behind the footlights, it is not surprising that | swerved suddenly in my particular destiny. My paternal grandfather, Dan Collyer, was on the stage for more than fifty years, and mother, Carrie Collyer, gave up a promising career when she married. | had just finished a preparatory course in a New York school and was planning a debut in the fall, when | was cast for a réle in "East Side, West Side." Alan Dwan who directed the picture was a friend of father's, and | met him several days prior to the filming of the production. | suited the particular réle of a haughty New York society girl, and agreed to play the part asa lark. It was only a few months later that | found myself ensconced in Hollywood working in ‘Four Sons." After appearing in seven pictures | became lonesome for my family in New York, and decided to return to the routine of my former life. But the lure of the kliegs was too strong, and | was back in the film colony within six months. Since my return | have signed a contract with Paramount and have appeared in ‘Man From Wyoming,” opposite Gary Cooper. ne of my outstanding thrills was being selected as a Wampas Baby Star in 1928. At present my family are taking turns visiting me so that | will not get lonesome again. yes ee