The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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| was given a choice between college and a business career, and | decided to become a business woman, much to the disgust of my stepfather, who wanted me to go on the stage. My family had moved to San Francisco and | entered the Polytechnic High School where | was graduated with honors in 1923. Then | went to work in an office. This didn't work out as well as | thought it would so we packed up for Hollywood, arriving there two days before Christmas in 1924, and | began the long weary round of the studios looking for work. | got a job as an extra the day after Christmas and | haven't been out of work since. | was soon playing comedy leads and later appeared in western pictures. My bitterest disappointment was when | was turned down by Fox for the O. Henry girl. Later Frank Borzage was looking for a girl to play Diane in "Seventh Heaven," and he gave me the part. | like to do imitations of people, like to shop and love to dance. | swim and play a pretty good game of golf. | like music and never miss a concert in the Hollywood Bowl. While we were making "The Four Devils," | be came interested in acrobatics and’ am usually to be found with the palms of my hands blistered after a successful or not so successful morning on the horizontal bars. Peete