The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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Naturally following a stage career, | became an actor, subsequently working for an automobile tire concern, once a newspaper employee, eventually an extra man in Hollywood. | was a cowboy, a Civil War soldier, a rough rider, a sailor and other film nonentities. My first bit was given me by William S. Hart in whose outfit | rode miles upon miles in the extra ranks. The picture was "Apostle of Vengeance." | obtained a contract with Thomas Ince. Dissatisfied, | turned scenarist and sold several stories to a company that went bankrupt. Then | became an assistant—for Tourneur, then director, writing and directing my own stories for Jules Brulatour. Again | went back to acting in featured roles with Fox which led to a contract with Metro-GoldwynMayer. Among my pictures with the company have been “His Hour," “The Merry Widow," "The Big Parade," “La Boheme," “Bardelys, the Magnificent,” “Flesh and the Devil," “A Woman of Affairs," and have just finished making "Way for a Sailor." | have brown hair and dark eyes, am five feet eleven inches tall, and weigh 155 pounds. A year and a half ago | was married to Ina Claire ak a TT me T TPT pe = pee