The New Movie Album - January 1931 (January 1931)

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=ZO0! My father was a colonel in the Mexican army and my mother was an opera singer. | was born in San Luis Potosi in 1910 and grew up in a country where the mountain scenery is the most beautiful in the world. When the time came for me to try my luck as a dancer in Los Angeles, | was afraid to leave this lovely country for fear of terrible homesickness. But the hills surrounding Los Angeles reminded me of Mexico and made it easier for me. | came to Los Angeles because an American who had seen me dance and heard me sing in Mexico thought | would be suitable for a réle in a musical comedy that was being cast in Los Angeles. When | got there, the director found me too young for the part. | soon found work in a specialty number in the Music Box Revue, which was then playing in Hollywood. | had never thought of entering pictures because | was not pretty enough. Douglas Fairbanks saw me in the Music Box Revue and selected me to play opposite him in "The Gaucho." After that | had my first opportunity to travel and see New York, Chicago and the other big cities. | won't say | was disappointed, as everyone was wonderful to me. Some day | hope | will.go to Europe, but right | do not want to leave the Los Angeles hills, my dogs, and my canaries. pe