Pictures (August 1926)

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Diogenes / is looking IOGENES has at last found his Honest Man—making the famous Durham-Duplex Blades. Now he is making a new search for men who want to be honest with themselves by using the Blades Men Swear By—Not At. To these men, Diogenes is offering membership in the Diogenes Club. The initiation fee is only a quarter. The credentials consist of a genuine Durham-Duplex Razor, the sameas in the regular $1.50 sets—with one Durham-Duplex ide Take a Join this wonderful club at your dealers now, or mail the last look application and let Uncle Sam bring your credentials. at his whiskers The Blades‘Men Swear By~not At Pen \ NEW DURHAM-DUPLEX SETS ¥ SEND THIS APPLICATION TODAY Tncluditia tio SOC packeues cE S TE GG OR wT Durham-Duplex Blades—$1.50 Durham-Duplex Razor Co., Jersey City, N. J. Interchangeable Blades— y (Address for Canada—50 Pearl St., Toronto, | 50c for package of 5 1 1] Can.) Lenclose 25c for razor and blade—Check type preferred. wc.s Wl i eo cs pas va vehi nee ccaugowkee " | IS tis cis sae a ana Vues hes Cadet maces : | awn OrCityand State. ......csesccceccceces 4 DURHAM-DUPLEX RAZOR CO., Jersey City, N. J. i I prefer the Long-handled Style... the Safety Style... Factories: Jersey City; Sheffield, Eng.; Paris, catth UR BEE NEY SA AMS RE ES EE Toronto, Can. Sales Representatives in All Countries.