Pictures (August 1926)

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perfect in your witching beauty. Culture Magazine. of the busts quite astonishing.”’ How Dorothy Stahl brought her figure back until it is even more perfectly developed than ever, is what every undeveloped girl or woman will want to know. If you wish to learn how she produced the beautiful development shown in her photograph, write us at once. All this charm of perfect womanhood can be yours —all the beauty and captivating grace that is your birthright—all the artful, delicate allurement that makes you first a woman—God’s Masterpiece—Man’s Idol. You can be made This is the method recommended by Dr. C. S. Carr, originally published in The Physical Dr. Carr states: ‘Indeed, it will bring about a development If not delighted with results in 30 days, is no other method as safe, effective, harmless and sure. Send your name and address today, enclosing 4c stamps, if you wish this information sent under sealed postage. We will send surprising photographic proof showing as much as five inches enlargement by this method, a **How it may be Developed”’ By Dr. C. S. Carr HERE IS A WAY! THIS beautiful woman learned the secret. Her story is interesting. It will solve your problem, no matter what your age or the cause of your flat figure. “Tt is almost two years since I first used the National. I am happy to say that the results are permanent, for my development 1s just the same and my figure is even better than ever. I do appreciate so much what the National has done for me. I have proven that any woman can have a beautiful bust if she will only use the National. Friends envy my perfect figure.” There your money is cheerfully refunded. ] sent under plain wrapper. U, CLARINDA, IOWA, U.S. A. _ THE OLIVE COMPANY, Dept. es ’t Be A Quitter Don’t let a rupture spoil your life—don’t give up and decide that joy can never be yours. Stand up and fight! The prize, a sound, strong body—the respect of men and admiration of women—is surely worth fighting for. You can eit. Those weakened atonied muscles need nourishment. / the MechanicoBp ‘ads the tissues and muscles gradually recover heir tone and strength. on the hernial orifice is etely closed—the unsightly protrusion disap RUPTURE CURABLE Thousands Happy V H. T. Davidson's letter is typical when says, ‘‘There is no doubt but that I am mpletely cured.” The system rarely fails legree. That's why this original physical system was awarded Gold Medal at 5 Plapao-Pads can bring to you a health ion, more valuable than gold. This coubring you postpaid, a ten day test ealth and happiness are within your Place yourself in a position to say gooder to trusses and rupture. Mail the No obligation. ea 10 day trial Plapao, and 48 page No charge now or ever. is beantifal imported ring 4} ng Ideal gift. Just e. Whe Send No Money iiet yn arrives, deposit $1.98 with your postman. Wear the ring for five days. Money back if not delighted. So send today. ONYX IMPORTING CO., Dent. 2403 Arlington Heizhts. fl. 5010'250a Week as aRADIO EXPERT Getinto great new Big-Pay Industry— Radio! If youearna penny less than $50 aweek, Clip Coupon Now. Bea Radio Expert—draw down big money for easiest, most fascinating work in the world. rained menin bigdemand. Free 2 Book gives all facts. Every day, + men I’ve trained taking good places in the Radio field! LEARN AT HOME I’ll teach you quickly,easily, at home in spare time to qualify for Radio’s * fine jobs. Big lay-out of instruments free of extra cost tohelp you learn. I | guarantee to train you Successfully. Lack of education no drawback, I'll train you from start to finish. Free Employment Service. Send coupon now for Free Book and proof, also d limited special offer, No obligation. Dept. HR 5 National Radio Institute Washington, D.C. J. E. Smith, Pres. Dear Mr. Smith: With© out obligating mein any @ 2 way, send me your free book i) telling all about the Radio field, #* a1so all information on your practical, home-study Radio Course,’ ENEE ADOREE, who fairly leaped into fame with her portrayal of — the French girl in “The Big Parade”’ has been granted her freedom from Tom Moore, one of “the Moore — Brothers.”” Moore and Renee were — married in 1924, but soon decided that wedded bliss for them was not possible. Miss Adoree filed a petition for divorce last July charging her husband with cruelty. However, before the decision was reached she changed it to desertion. It is rumored that Gaston Glass will soon be the lucky man. Whether or not they wed is a question but mutual friends say there is a strong attachment at least. fee CHALIAPIN, the famous singer, is again threatening to take a fling at the movies. He has been offered an opportunity to play the leading role in ‘‘Don Quixote.” As soon as he fills an operatic engage-_ ment in London and another in Australia he hopes to begin work in — the new field. Chaliapin it will be remembered is by no means a lightweight. At present he tips the scales at 230. — He says that it will be a simple matter to loose twenty pounds. At that he will most certainly appear much too stout for the camera. EPORTS PERSIST that Aldrich Peck a young man both wealthy and socially prominent of Los Angeles, is engaged to Patsy Ruth Miller. & Young Peck and Pat are seen much in each other’s company and Peck is said to have taken Miss Miller with him into the exclusive circles of Los Angeles. Her intro© duction has been so well accepted that Miss Miller has obtained the consent of a number of social lights” to appear in a film in which she will (Continued on page 8)