Pictures (August 1926)

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August, 1926 OQ. C. Miller Director Extension Work, American School For 25 years I have represented the interests of American School students in their relationship with the School. My job is to help h student detive the m benefit from the training and service we offer. advised my best friend’s son to go into Dratting! Because Drafting is the foundation for success in all Engineering lin You cannot get very far in Electricity, Architecture, Building, Automotive or Mechanical work without it. Because Drafting is the best-paid work which can be learned QUICKLY. Because there are more highly patd positions open in Drafting than in any other line. r. Because Drafting is the most interesting work imaginable. The Draftsman controls all industrial activity with his plans. You come in contact with a fine bunch of fellows, real he-men, every one. Because Drafting leads to bigger things Draftsmen become Chief Draftsmen, Superintendents of Construction, etc. They come in contact with the big men of industry, and enjoy unusual opportunities for promotion, Because men with ordinary schooling ‘have become Expert Draftsmen, at home, in their spare time. , It’s easy to learn. Drafting may your best ‘‘bet.’’ Look into it. Just mail the coupon. be THE a million Educational Institution offers men a double service— training for a specific job, then finding the job. For one small price, on terms of onl 5.00 a month, you are now 4 2 definite benefits, both in position and salary. Write for complete information—ioday! American School AMERICAN dollar Aa course. J © prove you can learn at home We have invented a new, simplified way to teach Drafting—the first real improvement in Drafting home-instruction in history. We want you to see it, try it—without one penny of cost or obligation. We want to show you how we get away from the copying methods used in the past. -See how we make you think, solve problems, do actual drafting room jobs from the first lesson! o test your ability Mail the coupon—get the three lessons we send you without cost or obligation, to see how you “‘like’”’ Drafting work, how you take to it, and whether you make rapid progress with our new instruction method. Particularly note that no talent for ‘‘drawing”’ is needed, that the work is entirely mechanical: o “sample’’ the value of this training before you decide 16 notable Engineers have prepared American School home-instruction in Drafting. It now contains the Engineering subjects which are absolutely needed before you can fill a well-paid position. Thousands of men have climbed to higher salaries, to better positions, through this wonderful instruction. And so we are glad to send you three Lessons, so you can get an idea of the quality, honesty, and simplicity of this training. Amazing Opportunities in Drafting The big money in Drafting goes to men who specialize in Machine Design, or Electrical Drafting, or Architectural Drafting, or Structural, Automotive. Lt is enough merely to general Drafting practice. You must know how to calculate and design and plan original work. You need many Engineering subjects to fill the kind of Drafting position that pays $60 to $125 a week. The American School now includes this specialized training in ils Drafting ob — and — 4 4 es training Service The graduates, without cost, the services of an efficient A American School now offers its students and vg fees Oo) og employment department keeping in constant touch with employers of Draftsmen all over the U.S. We have placed hundreds of men in gaod, big-pay Drafting positions. We've made this training so complete, to practical, so easy to master that our students are bound to make good. And so, because the demand for real Draftsmen continues to exceed the supply and because this training actually pre pares men for good Drafting positions we back it with a Free Employment Service. or not know Complete Outfit Given Fine, imported like these Drafting easily. instruments help you learn quickly and Mail Coupon Send No Money Get them. Test your own learn Drafting and get ready job and big pay. Coupon surprise offer, and complete about your opportunities Drafting. Mai! it Today. 0. C. Miller, Director Extension Work Dept. DC-264, Drexel Ave. and 58 St., Chicago ability to for a fine also brings information for success in Leet sea er a