Pictures (August 1926)

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Old Outer Cuticle eae Off In 3 Days— Then Blackheads, Pimples, Tan, Freckles, Large Pores, Blemishes and Wrinkles ARE. GONE! “Because They’re OFF!”’ Most Amazing Discovery In History of Beauty Culture Enables Any Person to Do It at Home! Read Free Offer Below! Worry no more over your disfigured _ skin and complexion! Forget your failures with lotions, clays, creams, powders, massage, steaming pots and ‘coverA ”” Throw away your rubber masks, asters, and beauty makeshifts. BeRaiden here s where you get a new, true skin! Your blackheads, pimples, large pores, freckles, tan, sallow complexion, surface wrinkles, blemishes, and signs of approachin: age, ZO, definitely —‘‘because they’re OFF!”’ Most astonishing discovery in the history of beauty culture. All explained in an amazing free book called ‘‘Beautiful New Skin in 3 Days.’’ Tells how to do what foreign skin specialists have charged k enormous prices for. ake your own skin and complexion the envy of all who behold it. Hundreds of men and women are now doing it themselves—in the quiet of their own homes—without the knowledge of their most intimate friends. They surprise and astonish others with a new, soft, velvety, clear, spotless, youth-like skin on face: neck, arms, hands or any part of body where new skin is desired. new books—'*BEAUTIFUL NEW SKIN IN NOTE: Those who wish may enclose ten Marvo Beauty Lab., Dept. 18-J, No. 1658 Broadway, New York, N. LY. | Gentlemen:—I am a regular reader of this magazine, so kindly send without charge one of your | How old saying that ‘“‘Beauty Is Only Skin Deep’? has been made to come true for thousands of both sexes, young and old, easily! The method is absolutely harmless and easy. It’s astonishing—almost beyond belief. Send mame and address only—this amazing new book is absolutely free to readers of this magazine. Address, Marvo, Lab. Dept. 18-J, No. 1658 Broadway, New York, N. Y. THIS COUPON WILL BRING IT BY RETURN MAIL ABSOLUTELY. FREE! 3 DAYS.” Mail it to cents in any form to help pay expenses: BE A MAGICIAN them that you them. A wonderful game. FREE book o an oriental crystal ball. pay postman. geta FREE horoscope, Order NOW. CRYSTAL BALL CO. Gaze into your mysterious crystal ball. Tell your friends all the intimate things about “*see’’ there. You will thrill Crystal Gazing given with each order for Send money or (Ball In 2 sizes: $2.25 and | $3.25) Give birth"date with your order and 901 Broadway, Dept. 24, N. Y.C. rBte pet 9 ste REE SAMPLE OUTFIT SEND NAME So positive are we that you will be amazed at the extraordinary quality of these shirts, and the money-making possibilities, that we will send you free samples, Simply send your name and ‘address. Write quick for free territory offer. Address Charles Hope. FASHION WEAR SHIRT CO., Dept. K-21, Cincinnati, Ohio t+ in or get out. onsumes fat—or do both. ut above all, remember there is no quest d there is no argument about it. to it the amount will be reduced—a In his new BERNARR ‘ou the complete régime for weight red classifications and reduction exe d your money. Fat enters the body when food is consumed in excess of one’s needs. ning the fat-making food intake or by muscular exercises. Therefore to lose fat, eat less food that makes fat, or take more exercise iet and exercise he does not mean starving and working yourself half to death, asonable readjustment of your life along pleasant, natural lines that you will thoroughly which will improve your general health. all odds the most thorough and effective work on weight reduction that we have It can be removed by There is no other way for it ion as to whether the treatment will work or not. ther ills of the body may sometimes fail to respond even when the best known methods are d. Not so with obesity. The cause and elimination of obesity is a matter of mathematlf y ou draw out more from your bank account than nd in like manner so will you. book entitled “HOW TO REDUCE WEIGHT’? MACFADDEN uction, including full dietary instructions, actual rcises. It is all simply told and is as simple to It is SEND ONLY 50c FOR THIS BOOK eceipt of your remittance of fifty cents, we will immediately send you a copy of this with the understanding that if you are not thoroughly satisfied with it we will n Publications, Inc., Dept. P.-8, 1926 Broadway, New York (Continued from page 6) be the only professional member of the cast. News of the friendship of Peck and a Miss Miller came close on the heels of the announcement of the engagement of Donald Ogden Stewart, the humorist to a Santa Barbara society girl. Stewart was at one time very attentive to Patsy Ruth. OUISE FAZENDA and Willard Louis were promised starring comedy vehicles some time ago by Warner Brothers. They have been anxiously awaiting their first production— but no more so than we. “The Gay Old Bird” which most certainly means Willard, has been assigned them. This should be a | regular laugh fest. A Last “The Flaming Frontier’ the picture the late Thomas Ince was to have made on a pretentious scale has been started. The story deals with the hardships of the building of The Missouri Pacific Railroad as they forced their way west despite the warring Sioux Indians. William Boyd and Margueritte de la Motte are to be featured. Other members of the cast are, Jack Hoxie, Gladys Brockwell and J. Farrell MacDonald. The death of Mr. Ince postponed the making of this picture. Had it been made when he hoped, it would have preceded “The Iron Horse’? and other pictures of similar nature. oae & ANE JENNINGS, perhaps _ better known as ‘The Cameo Mother of the Screen” has added one more son to her screen family in the person of George Walsh, who plays _ the lead in ‘The Kickoff” being _ directed by Wesley Ruggles. Miss Jennings recently appeared in “The Savage” with Ben Lyon. ‘ My st AMERICAN TRAGEDY,” Theo— dore Dreiser’s novel is causing — much trouble. First it was decided ~ that D. W. Griffith would be the — man behind the megaphone. But. Paramount ‘‘powers that be” suf(Continued on page 10)