Pictures (August 1926)

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; re B. W. COOKE, Directing Engineer, Use Scissors NOW < for this Amazing FREE Boox BOOK If you're earning a cent less than $75 a_week, get this Free Book now! See the million amazing opportunities for Quick Raises in Pay‘in Automotive Field. See how Ernest E. Tucker, Cotton, Minn., jumped from low pay to $215 in a week—in only three months! See what you can do} Iiltrain Coupon brings full details of my wonderful 6 Outfits Don't sell ] Offer. Includes your time forlow Tools, Tool pay! Youdon’ineed Bag, Portable to with B. W. Cooke y’’ Training. Get my Free ‘ind out how you can become a Big Pay man ix amazingly quick time! Keep your present job. Stay home. You don’t have to leave your doorstep. Master every Branch of Auto Work right in your own home. See how I train you QUICKLY and EASILY to alsoAutomotive BOSS the Job, or GO INTO Magazine — all BUSINESS where Big Pay comes FREE of Extra QUICK—and up to $10,000 a Charge. Send for year can easily be made! it now! Electrical Test Bench, Radio Receiving Set, 303 Wiring Diagram Charts, Ignition and Socket Wrench Sets, and Tire Repair Outfit— The World’s You! Get into this gigantic Auto Business! JT NEEDS YOU! “Think of it—5 Thousand Million Dollars d to Auto Men every year for upkeep alone! That's why there are so many Tremendous Opportunities for Big Raises in Pay QUICK for the trained Auto Man—opportunities waiting for YOU! If you want to boost your pay QUICK, clip coupon now. Common schooling all you need. Lhelp youdoit. I give you Lifetime Employment Service—Lifetime Consultation Service too! Get the FACTS! Don’t wait. Make Make Money QUICK Send for this amazing Free Book right NOW! See how hundreds of men ure boosting their salaries, making Big extra Spare-time money, and getting into : Money-Making, Businesses of their own i = ‘5—but almost right from pay TODAY. CLIP the start—i FE S COUPON NOW! Of MONTHS! | SHORT WEEKS, $ DIR B.W.COOKE trainees” CHICAGO MOTOR TRAINING CORP. ; 1916 Sunnyside Ave., Dept.C55, Chicago. mAlL"TOB-WAY COUPON THIS Chicago Motor Training Corporation, Dept. C55, 1916 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago, Ill. Send me FREE Auto Book and proof that I can become an Auto Expert at home in spare time. Also send your 6 Outfits Offer. It is understood that this obligates me in no way. EE RG tee eae oe pS ia yoke a onan Name | lead ( j } e@ BIGGEST BUSINESS Needs | } } 4 that she and Edward Everett Horton would be co-starred by Universal in “Taxi, Taxi’ an exciting murder mystery story by Arthur Stringer. Miss Lillie who is Lady Peel in private life has an engaging personality. If the camera catches half of her charm we will be delighted. 2) HORTLY AFTER Famous Players had promised to star Florence Vidor it was announced that she would play in “The Great Gatsby.” And everyone who has read the novel by Fitzgerald or seen the stage . 5 . | version by Owen Davis knows that it is a man’s story. The feminine has precious little chance. Miss Vidor objected and was withdrawn. After looking about for a suitable vehicle for Florence ‘‘The Wheel of Life,’ Elsie Ferguson’s stage play was selected. This means that Miss Vidor will be compelled to forego a planned trip east. She will begin work at once. 2) FTER TAKING several tests, Samuel Goldwyn has decided to feature Constance Howard, sister of Frances Howard, his wife. Miss Howard will also be farmed out for experience. (CCEATRE WINDSOR was all ready to begin work on ‘‘The Little Journey” when she was told that she would make ‘Tin Hats’ instead. In all probability Conrad Nagel will play opposite her. They make a nice team. Don’t you think so? cz) F THERE IS a person, professional or otherwise, who has a face which resembles, or can be made to resemble that of Theordore Roosevelt, it will certainly prove to be his fortune for at least a year. There are two fat jobs awaiting him. | Famous Players has been searching for such a person to play in “The Rough Riders.” And now Warner Brothers are asking for one to play the same roile in “Across the Pacific’ a story of the SpanishAmerican War. Other historical characters which are needed are, a General Frederick Funston and an Admiral Dewey. Fee. Pictures — ‘THE ROAD TO STARDOM is often via the comedy route but as soon as the heights have been attained most stars have a hankering to try the old game again. Norma Shearer can hardly wait to film the Belasco comedy in which Ina Claire starred, ‘Polly With a Past.” Hope Hampton some years back also played the role of Polly. But her direction was bad and the production as a whole proved anything but worthy of the original. However Miss Shearer promises to do her best—and that should be quite sufficient. : B ILA LEE has been vacationing with her husband. She accompanied her husband James Kirkwood to San Francisco where he was heroing for Laura La Plante in “Butterflies In the Rain.” Lila reported a splendid time and says the ideal way to take a vacation is to go on location when one is. not working in the picture. a HE LONDON press made many hostile comments about ‘The Big Parade” but never did they question the pictorial merit of the production. They didn’t quite like the spirit of the thing but they were fair enough to accord it its just dues. & ‘ARNER BAXTER is to be “The Great Gatsby” after all. This part is without a doubt one of the juiciest screen plums of the year. It was his excellent work in “The Runaway” and “Aloma of the South Seas” which won him the coveted part. This means that Mr. Baxter will have to withdraw from the cast of “Glorifying the American Girl,” leaving only William Collier Jr., Georgia Hale and Louise Brooks to carry on the mission of the glorification of the American girl. “The Great Gatsby” is, however, a much better opportunity for Baxter than the Ziegfeld film. 2) CCORDING TO RELIABLE sources Ben Turpin, the screen comedian will wed again. Ben’s wife, who was — an invalid for many years, died a (Continued on page 15)