Pictures (August 1926)

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Makes Some Amazing g Predictions By Helen Carlisle AREOS. The name has wood. & I first heard of this strange man, who, it _ would seem, has been gifted with the power to read one’s past and future life as though it were an | open book before him, through Pola Negri. = “T was disguised when I went to see him,” said Pola. “He did not know me. Yet he told me all the things that have happened in my past life—things no person in this country can know—and he told'me of my future too.” Since then his name has come up again and again. Dareos. Dareos. Practically every film star in Hollywood goes to see him. He advises them on marriage, on divorce, on contracts, on business deals of all descriptions. How great his influence may be, no one can say. When his predictions have come true on innumerable occasions, become a power in Holly ‘to him, follow his advice. One morning ‘recently, I made 2. An appointment tointerview him. _ A heavy storm, ~ rolling in from ' the Pacific, was _. slashing. across _ the beach , town of Santa Monica, ok Be ehcre Dareos lives. Decidedly drenched, I arrived at the ocean, _ where he has his office. *He came aie ‘Half fox med = n aed mind was RECT ATE BY HAROLD DEAN CARSEY Davics claims Valentino will not die out in public favor; for was he not born under the powerful sign of ‘‘I go and get them’’? _ish lamps. . it is only logical that the film stars bend a listening ear. “His eyes are very black, and there is some strange expression in them that is not in the eyes of other men” terious-looking, certainly. Probably he would wear an East Indian robe and turban. There would be all kinds of strange rings on his slim, tapering fingers. His apartment would be in shrouded gloom. MoorRare tapestries on the walls. Incense spiralling upward. Oh, what a surprise I got!, In only one way did Dareos live up to my mental image of him. His eyes are very black, and there’ is some strange expression in them that is not in the eyes of other men. Whenhe ~— talks, he holds you with his eyes, which are sometimes brilliant, sometimes unfathomable beneath ~ their lowered lids. For the rest, he is just as other men. He wore a well-cut — business suit. He spoke in brisk English, withno trace of a mysie terious accent. — And his office, with its windows — looking out over the tumbling Pacific, is quite A ES PHOTOGRAPH BY RUTH HARRIET LOUISE And Marion Davies possesses a heart which nearly always rules her head