Pictures (August 1926)

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and OFF Players Here and There Have you had your eye lashes curled today? Nilsson sets a fad with the help of Percy Westmore, beauty exponent. Line forms to the left, girls! Gilbert appeared with King Vidor and Eleanor Boardman. Mr. Niblo made the remark in presenting King Vidor after the picture that he (Niblo) was kept so busy introducing Vidor’s great productions that there was no time left in which to make successful pictures himself. © © HE many friends of Mabel Normand will be glad to hear that “Raggedy Rose,” her two-reel feature with Hal Roach, is proving an instantaneous success. Miss Normand has signed a three-year contract with Hal Roach and is making a hurried trip to New York to close up her apartment there. You’re right. They’re married. Claire Windsor and Bert Lytell give a modern version of “Romeo and Juliet,” with many variations MARY KORN man and Mickey Daniels of “Our Gang” are. planning an elopement from that troupe in the near future. Their two ambitious daddies are going to take their cherubs and go into the producing game themselves. © © MAURICE Tourneur who is almost ready to start for the Bahamas to direct the filming of ‘The Mysterious Island” evidently doesn’t intend to be bereft of a home. He has leased Noah Beery’s delightful town house and is doing all the settling right now so the unpleasant part of home-building will all be over before he leaves. Meanwhile, the Beerys are not homeless as they have their very Californian Miss Ciaire Firman (at right) winner of the Philadelphia Daily News Contest, visits the Cosmo Studios, where most of the Macfadden True Story Pictures are produced. She is made welcome by Aileen Pringle, Howard Higgins (seated) and the fortunate Sam Hardy of the First National Pictures 57