El Cid (Allied Artists) (1961)

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IT HAS TAKEN THE NATION BY STORM! “BIG AS ‘BEN-HUR’ IF NOT BIGGER!” “THE PICTURE IS COLOSSAL!” -LOS ANGELES TIMES —TIME MAGAZINE SAMUEL BRONSTON PRESE No man, ever, quite like BE] Cid...leader, lover, world hero. No picture, ever, quite like this. N. Y. Times says “The spectacle is terrific.” Redbook calls it “One of the great romances!” Dallas News says “Biggest movie yet.” -And millions agree! $ Ah ae filmed in i ‘TECHAICOLOR™ ) ALD SRD RRR LOW FR FR? RAN ae “ANTON MANN uscty MHLOS ROZSA.» SAMUEL BRONSTON PRODUCTION inasocon wn DEAR FILM PRODUCTIONS cites y ALLIED ARTS 331 Ad Mat No. 331 3 cols. x 7" (294 Lines) CO-STARRING ACCLAIMED! THE GREATEST ADVENTURE AND ROMANCE IN A THOUSAND YEARS! CHARLTON SOPHIA HESTON-LOREN “The Picture is COLOSSAL!” -Time Magazine SHEL BEST Bethy ss TOM SUPER TECHNIRAMA TECHNICOLOR * " = ane CENEVE\E PGR ROKOHRD HAD WSO SR aE wie REDRIC H FRANK HTL YORDAN cst ANTHONY MANN act was Zs a SAMUEL BRONSTON PRODUCTION in ssociaion win DEAR FILM PRODUCTIONS cisituted by ALLIED ARTISTS ON 231 Ad Mat No. 231 2 cols, x 434" (133 Lines) “AS BIG AS ‘BEN-HUR’ “IF NOT BIGGER!” «z« SAMUEL BRONSTON resents CHARLTON SOPHIA HESTON-LOREN 66 No one, ever, was quite like EE GID ... leader... lover ... living legend ... world hero! 99 filmed in 70MM SUPER TECHNIRAMA TECHNICOLOR ® oy et SNe Baars Bees Sar ees SB ‘ BP TARRING RAF VALONE: GENEWEVEPAGE JOHN FRASER: GARY RAYMOND -HURD HATRED MASSIMO FRAT and HERBERT (0M see REDRC ML FRANK PHP YORDAN sect ANTHONY MANN sco a SAMUEL BRONSTON PRODUCTION in association win DEAR FILM PRODUCTIONS cistributed by ALLIED ARTISTS 24] Ad Mat No. 241 2 cols. x 10!/2" (294 Lines) All advertising material in this pressbook, as mp well as all other newspaper and publicity material, has been approved under the MPAA Ad vertising Code as a self-regulatory procedure of the Motion Picture Association of America. All inquiries on this procedure, which is voluntarily subscribed to by the major motion picture companies, may be addressed to: Advertising Code Administrator, Motion Picture Association of America, 28 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y.