El Cid (Allied Artists) (1961)

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oat ACCLAIMED ACROSS THE ENTIRE WORLD! ‘Big as BEN-HURY” says L.A.Times ‘COLOSSALY says Time Magazine No story ever quite like E/ Cid’s... greatest of adventure-romances! Pl SAMUEL BRONSTON eecsenrs 7 SOPHIA CHARLTON HESTON-LOREN SUA SP RB RE PUNK. HIP ODN wsenanerles.> oes se Ad Mat No. 445 ACCLAIMED ACROSS THE WORLD! : : COLOSSAL!” : oS AMUEL BRONSTON su. CHARLTON Se \ SOPHIA TOMM SUPER TECHNIRAMA NET" TeeHNICOLOR® AERO STAQRING 2 pe 88> Tee Fe = 5 = COMTARRING RAEVALONE GENEVEVEPAGE JOHN GRR wa UND TURD HALTCLD MASSIMO SERA TERBERT OM witty REDRIC HLTRANK ss HILPAORDAN cass AlTHONY MANN, scm Rosa a SAMUELBRONSTON PRODUCTION in association with DEAR FILM PRODUCTIONS istibuted by ALLIED ARTISTS 311A (294 Lines) Ad Mat No. 311A 3 cols. x 7" 4 cols. x 51/44" (294 Lines) ACCLAIMED ACROSS | THE ENTIRE WORLD! “Big as BEN-HUR” says the L.A. Times! Immortal story § of El Cid, warrior-hero ! SAMUEL BRONSTON HARLTON SOPHIA HESTON LOREN = = aa =} : 5a nae oe e io Se CO.BTARAING JOHN FRISERGARY RMOND: Hi ie MASSIMO si and ma OM mcty LOSS wer UNUM FRANK au PHIUP YORDAN asaeay ANTHONY WANK a SAMUEL BRONSTON PRODUCTION in assacation with DEAR FILM PRODUCTIONS distributed by ALLIED ARTISTS Sieg Sie ee eee eS ees saat stan ec RES Mat 216 A Ad Mat No. 216A 2 cols, x 5!/2" (154 Lines)