El Cid (Allied Artists) (1961)

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“THE PICTURE IS COLOSSAL!” --TIME MAGAZINE ACCLAIMED ACROSS THE WORLD! “BIG AS ‘BEN HUR’—IF NOT BIGGER!” -Los Angeles Times “ONE OF THE GREAT ROMANCES!” -Redbook Magazine “THE PICTURE IS COLOSSAL!” -Time Magazine The Greatest Romance Gand Adventure in SAMUEL BRONSTON Presents CHARON SOPHIA ME, OT =, HESTON LOREN Hes EN ALSO STARRING GUVMTDE GHOVBEACE sorescomasa © cemensas TAFSER GIR RYMNO HRD HFEID ASS SD ef vena snag ATRIA HP ROA wc AHA WA a SAMUEL BRONSTON PRODUCTION in association with DEAR FILM PRODUCTION distributed by ALLIED ARTISTS 242 Ad Mat No. 242 2 cols. x 5" (140 Lines) SUPER TECHNIRAMA “7%. == TECHNICOLOR® Ane ca 7 IOHN FRASER GARY RAND -HURD Hf WS SERA HERBERT LOM wien REDRIGM.FRAMK au PHILP YORDAN ccstyANTONY MANN msc os esa a SAMUEL BRONSTON PRODUCTION in association witn DEAR FILM PRODUCTIONS istibuted by ALLIED ARTISTS —e 336 Ad Mat No. 336 3 cols. x 634" (284 Lines) SAMUEL CHARLTON SOPHIA st HESTON LOREN SUPER TECHNIRAMA TECHNICOLOR « SAMUEL BRONSTON PRODUCTION in asoaon in DEAR FILM PRODUCTIONS __ AHN ui OFFICIAL BILLING The following are the contractual advertising obligations: Samuel Bronston B5%, Presents CHARLTON SOPHIA HESTON LOREN ss Note: Sophia Loren must be on the same line and same size and type as Charlton Heston. in 25%, EL CID SAMUEL BRONSTON Presents eee CHARLTON. SOPHIA RAF VALLONE and M GENEVIEVE PAGE 75%, 238 Ad Mat No, 238 2. cols -X-3(84 Lines) OTs: JOHN FRASER GARY RAYMOND HURD HATFIELD MASSIMO SERATO and HERBERT LOM 75%, Los Angeles Times Be AS ‘BEN HUR’~IF NOT BIGGER!” SAMUEL BRONSTON Presents 37/0 % : Music by Miklos Rozsa SUPER TNA ee Written b TECHNICOLOR MON WAN ~ SAM es BRONSTON PRODUCTION U N FREDRIC M. FRANK and DEAR ee Ges PHILIP YORDAN 75°%/ distributed by ALLIED ARTISTS E 123 DIRECTED by ANTHONY MANN 75°, Ad Mat No. 123 40%, A Samuel Bronston Production | col. x 41/." (63 Lines) 40%, in association with Dear Film Productions 70mm Super Technirama Technicolor (R) 30% Distributed by Allied Artists 30%, : distributed by ALLIED ARTIST (Note: All %'s are based on Heston’'s 100%, not on size of title) Ad Mat No. 239 2 cols, x 234" (77 Lines)