Legion of the Doomed (Allied Artists) (1958)

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¢ : . 6 Hell Pit TERROR! @ BILL WILLIAMS __ DAWN RICHARD ieee ANTHONY CARUSO KURT KREUGER . 204 po opp ae Ad Mat No. 204 2 cols. x 4" (112 lines) cy “— gy | "aig a HELL PIT of\the ARAB TERROR! Spee — cal o ~\ a A S . a \s ow ‘i Sarane BILL WILLIAMS: DAWN RICHARD-ANTHONY caMUEe kunt KREUGER BILL WILLIAMS 201 DAWN RICHARD 4 Ad Mat No. 201 2 ‘colsix4™ (28 lines) ANTHONY CARUSO || KURT KREUGER |. AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE desert world of outcast men! TRAP Prey WILLIAM F. BROIDY °*<°"*? THOR BROOKS OF wey» TOM HUBBARD. ana FRED EGGERS ARAB A William F. Broidy Pictures Corp. Production TE. 208 RRopr Ad Mat No. 208 2 cols. x 8" (224 lines) EGION OF THE STARRING BILL WILLIAMS 102 Ad Mat No, 102 eGolenxt 2: (28 lines) BILL WILLIAMS DAWN RICHARD AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE 103 5 Ad Mat No. 103 AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE | col, x 3!" (49 lines) starring BILL WILLIAMS DAWN RICHARD Ad Mat No. 101 ANTHONY CARUSO | col. x 1" (14 lines) KURT KREUGER Ad Mat No. 203 2 cols. x 3" (84 lines) COMPOSITE MAT The Composite Mat Consists of Ad Numbers 101, 102, 103, 202, 205. Scene Numbers 1, 21. Order "LEGION OF THE DOOMED" Special Mat No. 1 From National Screen. OF Hey YOOMED starring AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE BILL WILLIAMS-DAWN RICHARD:ANTHONY CARUSO 202 Ad Mat No. 202 2 cols. x 2" (56 lines)