The Accursed (Allied Artists) (1958)

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From THE CAST Colonel Price. . to DONALD WOLFIT Major Shane. Poco eee ROBERT BRAY Vicki Toller 2 tec Se JANE GRIFFITHS Joseph Brezina. . be ae ae ANTON DIFFRING Stefan Toller. CARL JAFFE Friedrich Suderman..... EE aa KAREL STEPANEK thomas Rilke. eS rus pine Sak OSCAR QUITAK Doctor Neumann. are CHRISTOPHER TEE Alfred Baum..... FREDERICK SCHILLER Clinton. . -RUPERT DAVIES Lieut. Grant. JOHN VAN EYSSEN Theodore Dehmel....... oc idetea: Tae COLIN CROFT ee STARRED Donald Wolfit, Robert Bray and Jane Griffiths are the three who star in Allied Artists’ ‘“‘The Accursed,’ a murder mystery which will open on at the . theatre. The picture was directed by Michael McCarthy from his own original story and screenplay. m the Files of the A ale Production. OO Ele Ae AN Bray Cast As Army Major In Allied Artists’ “The Accursed,” murder mystery now on the screen at the theatre, Robert Bray is starred as an American Army Major serving with intelligence in England. His co-stars are Donald Wolfit and Jane Griffiths, among the top screen favorites in England and on the European continent. Others in the brilliant cast include Anton Diffring, Carl Jaffe, Karel Stepanek, Oscar Quitak, Christopher Lee, Frederick Schiller, Rupert Davies, John Van Eyssen and Colin Croft. For the most part, the drama was filmed on a large estate on the outskirts of London, where actors were often photographed in the drawing room of a 22-room mansion. Michael McCarthy not only directed the film for producer E. J. Fancey but also wrote the original story and the screenplay. BOOKED Allied Artists’ “The Accursed,” rocurder mystery starring Donald Wolfit, Robert Bray and Jane Griffiths, has been booked to open eee ape a at the theatre. THE STORY (Not For Publication) Each year since the end of the war, Colonel Price (Donald Woltit) has invited survivors of his Resistance Organization to his house in England to commemorate the death of their leader. On this occasion, the last to arrive are Vicky Toller (Jane Griffiths) and her father professor (Carl Jatfe). At dinner Colonel Price announces Gerhart, their leader and friend, was murdered by someone in the room. He tells them his agent, Theodore Dehmel, (Colin Croft) will arrive later and name the traitor. Dehmel arrives, but is murdered before he can identify Gerhart's killer. Meanwhile car has broken down and ask to two army officers arrive, say their use the telephone. Price consents, and as it transpires that they will have two hours to wait before any transport is available, reluctantly invites them to stay. Major Shane (Robert Bray) and Lt. Grant (John Van Eyssen), are members of Army Intelligence. From here on plot and counter plot weave their spell throughout the night, and death strikes again. By masterly deduction Major Shane eventually discloses the murderer, who never really had any reason to kil] as the man he betrayed was himself a traitor. Y= JANE STS RELE | | STARRED | THE ACCURSED NO. 2 Jane Griffiths is starred with Donald Wolfit and Robert Bray in Allied Artists’ sensational spy story “The Accursed,’ now at the .... theatre. CREDITS A Fantur Production; Produced by E. J. Fancey; Associate Producer, David Turner; Directed by Michael McCarthy; Original Story and Screenplay by Michael McCarthy: “Prelude Without A Name” and Incidental Music Written and Conducted by Jackie Brown; Solo Pianist, Dennis Wilson; Director of Photography, Bert Mason; Camera Operators, G. Massey Collier and Sidney Davies; Assistant Camera Operator, Morty Tomblin; Photography (location), Hal Morey and Alfred Burger: Camera Operator, Cyril Gray; Production Supervisor, O. E. Negus: Production Manager, John Workman. ere eee ay Michael McCarthy EASE ‘THE ACCURSED' PACKED WITH THRILLS, SUSPENSE (Review) Allied Artists’ “The Accursed,” which opened before appreciative audiences yesterday at the the atre, is a screenplay in which thrills and suspense have been shrewdly woven to result in brilliant entertainment. This story of murder and intrigue among survivors of oe a ee a World War II resistance organization is the work of Michael McCarthy who not alone proves himself an excellent story-teller, but as the director of this murder mystery he earns much credit for a job well done. The scene of the story is England, largely in the manor house where the annual reunion of the survivors is held to commemorate the death of their leader. However, at this particular meeting their host tells his colleagues later in the evening he will display proof that their leader did not die a natural death but was murdered by one of their group and that he will identify that person before the session ends. The host is admirably portrayed by Donald Wolfit. Starring with him is the gorgeous Jane Griffiths, who lends much glamour to the production, and Robert Bray, cast as an American Army Intelligence officer. Not alone is there the one murder, that of the resistance organization’s leaders with which to contend, but also a murder at the manor house. Plot and counter-plot weave their spell throughout the night, all to add to the rich excitement of the film. The picture, a Fantur produc MYSTERY There is mystery galore in “The Accursed,” an Allied Artists’ release now at the .......... theatre. Donald Wolfit, Robert Bray and Jane Griffiths star in this murder mystery which involves survivors of a World War II resistance organization in England. tion, was produced by E. J. Fancey and David Turner was its associate producer. In the fine mounting of the McCarthy screenplay, they prove their fine abilities in the field of screen production. Credit for the principal photography and the music is given to Bert Mason and Jackie Brown, respectively. | TRAITOR OR HERO? NO. 1 THE ACCURSED Anton Diffring is seen in a key role in Allied Artists’ “The Accursed,” an international spy drama, open ‘Hey Sar peepee Ren pes oes at the theatre. re ee ery