Book of Numbers (AVCO Embassy Pictures) (1973)

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THE BLAGH KING OF THE NUMBERS GAME Blue Boy's got the man’s number...and takes GOO to! THE BLACK KING OF THE NUMBERS GAME Blue Boy’s got the man’s number... and takes G00 to! ala ‘ly ‘Mi A JOSEPH E. LEVINE and BRUT presentation RAYMOND ST. JACQUES in’ BOOK OF NUMBERS" Co-starring FREDA PAYNE PHILIP THOMAS [Special Guest Stor D’URVILLE MARTIN] Screenplay by LARRY SPIEGEL Based on the novel by ROBERT DEANE PHARR Produced and Directed by RAYMOND ST. JACQUES An AVCO EMBASSY RELEASE in Color [Original Soundtrack Avoiloble on BRUT RECORDS) 3 Cols. x 100 lines—300 lines Mat 301 @ Ve i al Dt A JOSEPH E. LEVINE and BRUT presentation RAYMOND ST. JACQUES in BOOK OF NUMBERS" Co-starring FREDA PAYNE PHILIP THOMAS [Special Guest Stor D’URVILLE MARTIN} Screenplay by LARRY SPIEGEL Based on the novel by ROBERT DEANE PHARR Produced and Directed by RAYMOND ST. JACQUES An AVCO EMBASSY RELEASE in Color Original Soundtrack Available on BRUT RECORDS RESTRICTED Under 17 requires accompanying ep Parent or Adult Guardian THE BLACK KING OF THE NUMBERS GAME A JOSEPH E. LEVINE and BRUT presentotion 2 Cols. x 125 lines—250 lines Mat 206 2 Cols. x 49 lines—98 lines Mat 208 Special Composite Mat No. 1 Available But Not Illustrated Consists Of Ads: 104, 105, 106, 207, 208, 209 Scene Mats: 1A, 2D PAGE FOUR