Cleopatra Jones (Warner Bros.) (1973)

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and the Hottest Original Soundtrack Album available featuring Joe Simon ("Theme From Cleopatra Jones”) and Millie Jackson ("Love Doctor” starring TAMARA DOBSONeenic Chsev-brewon svkes an Screenplay by Max Julien and Sheldon Keller Produced by William Tennant Directed by Jack Starrett Story by Max Julien PANAVISION” TECHNICOLOR® Celebrating Warner Bros. 50th Anniversary A Warner Communications Company MAT 302 — 3 COL. X 100 LINES = 300 LINES She's 6 feet 2” gs. of Dynamite... 49 vay and the Hottest Super » Agent ae Ever! 7 aM. > 2 starring TAMARA DOBSON cae a sesand SHELLEY WINTERS fanny Sacer by Max Julien and Sheldon Keller Produced by William Tennant Directed by Jack Starrett Story by Max Julien PANAVISION TECHNICOLOR “a>[G] Original Soundtrack Album available featuring Joe Simon (“Theme From Cleopatra Jones")| Celebrating Warner Bros. SOth Anniversary (Y A Wiesner Cororrs SSC aone mena and Millie Jackson (‘Love Doctor” and “It Hurts So Good”). MAT 301 — 3 COL. X 66 LINES = 198 LINES She's r 6 feet 2" of fe Dynamite! | ED “TAMARA DOBSON ant SHELLEY WINTERS TEC H N ICO LOR® PANAVISION ® Celebrating Warner Bros. 50th Anniversary © A Warner Communications Company Original Soundtrack Album available featuring Joe Simon (“Theme From Cleopatra Jones” and Millie Jackson (‘Love Doctor” and “It Hurts So Good"). MAT 204 — 2 COL. X 52 LINES = 104 LINES She's 6 feet 2” of Dynamite... and the Hottest Starring TAMARA DOBSON seat eisev sreuon svxes an SHELLEY WINTERS “Nom” Screenplay by Max Julien and Sheldon Keller Produced by William Tennant Directed by Jack Starrett Story by Max Julien PANAVISION” TECHNICOLOR®: coterating werner Bros. oth Anniversary (S) A Warmer Communications Company Original Soundtrack Album available featuring Joe Simon ("Theme From Cleopatra Jones" and Millie Jackson (‘Love Doctor” and “It Hurts So Good"). MAT 205 — 2 COL. X 75 LINES = 150 LINES All advertising in this pressbook, as well as all other advertising and publicity materials referred to herein, has been approved under the standards for Advertising of the Code of Self-Regulation of the Motion Picture Association of America. All inquiries on this procedure may be addressed to: Director of the Code for Advertising, Motion Picture Association of America, 522 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10036. This picture has been rated: PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED SOME MATERIAL MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR PRE-TEENAGERS ed 13