Apache Ambush (Columbia Pictures) (1955)

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When the Apaches turned Abilene trail flaming warpath! with il WILLIAMS RICHARD JAECKEL ALEX MONTOYA Story and Screen Play by DAVID LANG + Produced by WALLACE MacDONALD Directed by FRED F. SEARS » A COLUMBIA PICTURE Her kisses are worth a thousand guns! the Ad Mat No. 205—198 Lines (2 Cols. x 99 Lines) WAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV 4; ~ CAST and CREDITS James Kingston. Bill Williams Mr. Lincoln James Griffith Lee Parker... Richard Jaeckel Colonel Marshall James Flavin Joaquin Jironza___Alex Montoya Chandler. George Chandler Rosita, aie. Sean. Movita Silas Parker. Forrest Lewis Ann... Adelle August Tweedy... George Keymas Trager.._=......... = TexipRitter= Manoel. Victor Millan Mark Calvin Bailey Harry Lauter Ray “Crash” Corrigan Bob Jennings. Bill Hale Sgt. O’Roarke........ Ray Teal Red Jennings... Robert Foulk Major McGuire...Don C. Harvey Story and Screen Play by David Lang; Directed by Fred F. Sears; Assistant Director, Charles S. Gould; Director of Photography, Fred Jackman, Jr., A.S.C.: Art Director, Paul Palmentola; Film Editor, Jerome Thoms, A.C.E.; Set Decorator, Frank Tuttle: Sound, Don McKay; Music Conducted by Mischa Bakaleinikoff; Produced by Wallace MacDonald. A Columbia Picture. STORY (Not for Publication) With the Civil War at an end, ex-Indian fighter and Union soldier Bill Williams goes to Texas to herd cattle through Apache territory to Kansas. With Williams in the Abilene Trail drive are former Confederate soldier Richard Jaeckel and Movita, girl friend of Mexican rebel Alex Montoya. Williams successfully gets the cattle to Kansas after fighting off Apaches, Confederate renegades and Montoya’s forces. (Running Time: 68 Minutes) BN’ AG A AY AN AU AV AY AAU AU AU AU AU AU AG AU AW. PN FN FN FN INFN FNIN AN EN PN EN FN INFN IN SN NY se <f GTAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAUCAVUAVAVAVAUS THE WILDEST OF THE WILD INDIAN RAID FRONTIER! Seething frontier passions scorch the screen with mM WILLIAMS RICHARD JAECKEL ALEX MONTOYA A COLUMBIA B Story and Screen Play by DAVID LANG + Produced by WALLACE MacDONALD . Directed by FRED F. SEARS PICTURE Her kisses are worth a thousand guns! Ad Mat No. 302—306 Lines (3 Cols. x 102 Lines) BLAZING THRILLS IN THE WILDEST INDIAN RAID OF THE WILD FRONTIER! Her kisses are worth a thousand ., guns! ~* BILL WILLIAMS RICHARD JAECKEL ALEX MONTOYA Story and Screen Play by DAVID LANG Produced by WALLACE MacDONALD Directed by FRED F. SEARS A COLUMBIA PICTURE Ad Mat No. 301—180 Lines (3 Cols. x 60 Lines) Page 5