Babette Goes to War (Columbia Pictures) (1959)

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Ad No. 103-42 Lines THREE TEASER ADS You've mever seen Brigitte Bardot like this before! ‘ She’s a a % bombshell set & to explode in the enemy’s boudoir! .* See the difference in the new Brigitte Bardot? J we Brigitte Bardot! IS A TOTAL DELIGHT! Columbia Pictures Presents A Raoul J. Levy Production “Babette Goes To War” co-starring JACQUES CHARRIER wmmmmermem CINEMASCOPE + Eastman COLOR sumemmmne She's a pert and vivacious comedienne, now! And she’s still the same sensational BB— if you know what we mean! Ad No. 102—29 Lines Columbia Pictures presents A Raoul J. Levy Production co-starring Jacques Charrier and FRANCIS BLANCHE « RONALD HOWARD HANNES MESSEMER « Screenplay by JEAN FERRY, tty, JACQUES EMMANUEL, MICHEL AUDIARD », Based ona story by RAOUL J. LEVY ee and GERARD OURY Directed by Christian-Jaque A Columbia Pictures Release in Cinemascope and Eastman Color Ad No. 206—110 Lines in CinemaScope and : Eastman COLOR Columbia Pictures Presents A Raoul J. Levy Production Brigitte Bardot\ “Babette Goes 4 CINEMASCOPE + Eastman COLOR Ad No. 208—214 Lines Ad No. 101-14 Lines the difference in the Special Mat No. 1 includes the following seven ad mats and two publicity scenes: Columbia Pictures Presents A Raoul J. Levy Production BRIGITTE BARDOT Ad No. 101 Ad No. 201 You will when ca see her brilliant comic talent in the hilarious new film tt oT) Ad No. 102 Ad No. 203 "Babe es T Wa r” ic co-starring Babette Goes To War Ad No. 103 Ad No. 207 A Columbia ette Go J. Levy to CinemaScope ee ie CinemaScope and Eastman COLOR Ad No. 104 Publicity 1-A 4 Publicity 2-A Ad No. 202—60 Lines Ad No. 201-28 Lines COCSSCCCSCSCSSS CS CSSSS ECS