Barabbas (Columbia Pictures) (1961)

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15. Order from National Flag Co., 43 W. 21 St., N.Y. 10, N.Y. aa IPEAbxalbxalbxbxal psa) e abd xdlbsdlbxa pxalbxa bxapxa bxalbsalpsdeza pxalbealbxalbx4 bxabsdexabxaby¢lpxabxa bx brah sai x : me : SPECIAL TV SUBJECTS | : A LOOK BEHIND THE SCENES x x A 4l/p minute documentary subject titled "A Look kK be Behind The Scenes" is available for use in TV. It Fs dramatizes the effort that goes into making a major Ee ® production and uses as its subject the filming of x i "Barabbas" It is an important promotional tool * % for the film and every effort should be made to x & place it. Featurette will be sent direct to television : SELLING x station indicated in your request. be >] AIDS & NEWS CLIP OF NEW YORK PREMIERE = x The New York opening of ''Barabbas,"' available EI in l6mm. and 35mm., for theatres and TV. Clip ee ® shows celebrities attending the premiere, the crowd x & which flocked to the scene, etc. Order 35 mm & fe version for theatre newsreel insert from your Colum% bia exchange. Order 16 mm version direct from x % Exploitation Dept., Columbia Pictures Corp., 711 E * 5th Ave., New York 22, New York. It will be sent a RR ESO DONDTR DEDEDE direct to TV station ind?cated on your request. : Pal UE EST SETI OIE. E OPEN-END INTERVIEWS: & Anthony Quinn! Director Richard Fleischer! Both with mimeo= ey graphed scripts for local commentator. Order direct from % x Exploitation Department, Columbia Pictures Corporation, i EI 711 Sth Avenue New York 22, New York. x x — : E TEASER TRAILER: : a For use in advance of regular theatre trailer, and for cross: % plugging. Order from your Columbia exchange. Pe —»— E TRANSCRIPTIONS: El A variety of spot announcements, all open end for local : a commentator to add theatre credits. Available on a single m % disc. Order through your Columbia exchange; transcription zy x will be mailed from New York. : aes : E 16 MM. TRAILER: : A : The regular theatre trailer, available in 16 mm. for your : a use on television and back-screen projection in store windows! x i Order direct from Exploitation Dept., Columbia Pictures E Ei Corp., 711 5th Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. E a Fd ae x x DISPLAYS: : 3 x E 9’ x 12’ Flag: single face, $60.00; double face, $110. Badge: : et 40c; Streamer: 17’ long, $16.50 each; Valance: $1.65 per B Bi running foot; minimum length, 10-foot. 12 pennant string; ee x 30’ long, $3.50. Bumper strip: $1.00 each; minimum order Es cs % ei a) | =< 3 E TELOPS: : FI Information about telops, style and prices, may be obtained Pe ¥e by writing direct to QQ Title Card Co., 247 W. 46th Street, ie tid be New York 36, N. Y. x 5 PHOTO STORY: A x) = r 9 : P G x) ba Story of film in stills and captions. Sent with your credits x 5 direct to cooperating newspaper or TV program. Order from: a % Columbia Publicity Dept., 711 5th Ave., N. Y. 22, N. Y. ei 2 x | | bl es x ‘RELIGIOUS' DISC: x x : ; oe ; i) x For full details, see “Barabbas’ Religious Campaign’ sug% ba gestions elsewhere on these pages. a eT ee |