Combat Squad (Columbia Pictures) (1953)

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The Wheel ‘LETS COLUMBIA PICTURES presents The Comic follow the sergeant:.. ~as fury breaks loose on Sniper Ridge! JOFN IRELAND iN MCALLISTER =u mic ces sone Story and Screen Play by WYOTT ORDUNG ° Produced by JERRY THOMAS * Directed by CY ROTH The Medic 231-Line Ad Mat No. 302—3 Cols. x 77 Lines (See front cover for 4-column size of this ad.) eee cig | ON THE OUTSIDE; ALL MEN } ON THE INSIDE! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents COMBAT. _ Starring JORN IRELAND + LOW MCALLISTER : wn HAL MARGH » GEORGE E. STONE « Sand Sm sb eel : ty rene 186-Line Ad Mat No. 301—3 Cols. x 62 Lines LUMA. PICTURES | sOHN — LON McCALLISTER with HAL MARCH « GEORGE E. STONE Story ond Screen Pley by WYOTT ORDUNG Produced by JERRY THOMAS Directed by CY ROTH Ad Mat No. 104—102 Lines COLUMBIA PICTURES oMBAT F JOHN IRELAND LON MCALLISTER with HAL MARCH GEORGE E. STONE Story and Screen Play by WYOTT ORDUNG proaited t by JERRY THOMAS + Directed by CY ROTH Ad Mat No. 102—33 Lines