Damn the Defiant! (Columbia Pictures) (1962)

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SELLING AIDS i 44 B \ TV TRAILERS Perfect for your TV campaign, with space for local announcer to add on theatre and playdate information. Also a final freeze for super-imposed visual credits, if desired. Order direct from: Exploitation Dept., Columbia Pictures Corp., 711 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 22, N. Y. TRANSCRIPTIONS A variety of spot announcements, all open end for local commentator to add theatre credits. Available on a single disc. Order through your Columbia exchange; transcription will be mailed from New York. OPEN END INTERVIEWS Alec Guinness! Dirk Bogarde! Anthony Quayle! Mimeographed scripts for local commentator. Order direct from Exploitation department, Columbia Pic tures Corp., 711 Fifth Ave., New York. 22, N. Y. TWO TELOPS Style A, theatre and station identification. Style B, theatre advertising only. Prices; $5.00 without imprint; $7.50 with imprint; $2.00 for each additional slide or telop. Specify style and copy desired when you order direct from: QQ Tithe Card Co., 247 West 16th St., New York 36, N. Y. PHOTO STORY Story of film in stills and captions. Sent with your credits direct to cooperating newspaper or TV program. Order from: Columbia Pictures Publicity Dept., 711 Fifh Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. DISPLAYS Badge: 40c. Streamer: 17’ long, $16.50 each. Valance: $1.65 per running foot; minimum length, 10-foot. 12 pennant string; 30° long, $3.50. Bumper strip: $1.00 each; minimum order 15. Order from National Flag Co., 43 West 21st St., N. Y. 10, N. Y. MODEL CONTEST Still Nos. 3A and 72A, both available in the regular exchange stills set, show H.M.S. Defiant at sea. These stills can be used in publicizing a contest for model ships builders. Display entered models in theatre lobby, along with other stills from the picture; models should be tagged with the name and age of the builder, or with a number for audience voting. Contest might be worked in conjunction with a local hobby shop or department store, with promoted merchandise and guest ticket prizes. Winning models should be displayed in cooperating store's window during your run. FASHION PROMOTIONS Navy blue is always a fashion favorite. Go after women's shops, department stores, etc., for tie-ins with whatever Navy blue merchandise they have in stock, such accessories as go with Navy blue—purses, shoes, belts, etc. Try for windows, co-op ads, mailing pieces, all keyed to Navy blue and your picture. Similarly, if there are such items as capes, gold braid, three-cornered hats or other variants of the uniforms worn in the film, tie these in, too. ROPE ‘EM! A length of rope cable, either neatly curled or awkwardly tangled, could make an eye-catching window display, coupled to a sign inviting passersby to guess its length. Cable might be attached to a regular, or simulated, ship's anchor, and it is—of course!—supposedly the anchor cable of H.M.S. Defiant. Guest ticket to the epic ‘Damn the Defiant!"' for those whose guesses are closest. THE STARS Probably the simplest way to capture audience attention and focus it on the epic ''Damn the Defiant!" is through a 40'' x 60" frame, in your advance lobby and out-front, current. In the frame, place stills of the three stars, along with the names of their biggest hits: Alec Guinness: ''The Bridge on the River Kwai''—Dirk Bogarde: ''Song Without End''—Anthony Quayle: "The Guns of Navarone.'' Topline the display, "Great Stars Make Great Pictures!’ And, underneath it, as large as possible, ‘They're All In ‘Damn the Defiant!’ CinemaScope! Eastman Color!’ e Like many famous actors, the “Defiant” stars all have solid reputations in the theatre as well as on the screen. Go after locally-written drama column comment on the special stage achievements of Guinness and Quayle, par ticularly. From your files and other sources, obtain stills of Alec Guinness in a number of his earlier pictures and invite patrons to identify the films from which they come. Offer guest tickets for entries coming the closest. Both Guinness and Bogarde have appeared in a number of films which are TV favorites. If any are scheduled on local stations before or during your engagement of “Damn the Defiant!” be sure to get your own message planted with the broadcast. THE BOOK "Damn the Defiant!" is a sea epic, based upon the Frank Tilsley novel, originally called "Mutiny" and reprinted in paperback form by Ballantine Books under the title ''H.M.S. Defiant.'' Here's what YOU can do: e lirst, work closely with Ballantine representatives in your territory on mutually-benefical promotions. e Truck-side poster of movie edition. e Make up a book mark, using a one-column pressbook ad and “Read the Book, See the Movie” copy. On re verse side imprint theatre and playdate copy. Provide stills and posters for window and in-store dis plays and use in conjunction with full credits. Post pages from the book with ribbons leading to ap propriate stills from the picture. e Enlarge the front and back covers of the book for an attractive girl bally to carry through town. Obtain copies of paperback book for delivery to edi lors, disc jockeys and as contest prizes. e Set up booth in lobby for display of book. SHIP'S LANTERN From museum, collector or local curio shop, obtain an oldfashioned ship's lantern in proper working order. As a talking point, lantern might be kept lighted while picture is being screened. Lantern, ostensibly from H.M.S. Defiant, might be taken around to local TV programs as well. In a store window, lantern might be used as a contest: ‘what time will this H.M.S. Defiant lantern go out?" Guest tickets to contestants coming closest. Available at Columbia Exchanges COLOR-IN MAT Plant as a color-in contest in local newspaper, if possible, or imprint it—with picture and theatre credits—on shopping bags. Offer promoted merchandise prizes for the best color-in jobs, with entries displayed in theatre lobby or coOperating store window for judging by patrons. Mat might also be used on a handbill, distributed wherever youngsters congregate. Order Mat 2B (4"' x 4''). THE MUSIC Colpix Records is issuing a soundtrack album and an instrumental single titled "'It was the H.M.S. Defiant."' Featured on Liberty Records is another song titled "Damn the Defiant!'' composed by Dorsey and Johnny Burnette and sung by Johnny Burnett. All can be used effectively in your campaign for ''Damn The Defiant!’ Work the following: e Use the recordings for disc jockey plugs. e Set up special music store windows, with stills and credits, using the record and sheet music; try to arrange for package stuffers, counter cards. elec. e Promote records for theatre giveaways, contest prizes, etc e Play the records over your theatre loudspeaker. GO NAUTICAL! Theatre and street ballyhoo can be—and should be—as spectacular as the film itself. Among the possible displays and stunts are the following: e Sailing ship superstructure, complete with masts, spars and rigging, on a flat-top truck. Girls in costumes of the time add to the attention your float will get. Strings of pennants flying from the top of theatre building down to the theatre marquee. Borrowed Naval mementoes or old ordnance displayed in theatre lobby, or on your float. Display of old swords, cutlasses and daggers. Work with local Sea Scout troop, Coast Guard or Navy installation in seting up a display of knots and rope work. Accessories e EIGHT IIx 14's SIX SHEET THREE SHEET © TRAIEER A wae * UTILITY MAT AMI ONE SHEET ! § D: ° ALEC GUINNESS ALEG GUINNESS n AB Alec Guinyess e INSERT CARD ae Dirk Bocarve Fee Dink Bocss wate ANTHONY QUAYLE ANTHONY, QUAYLE e 22x 28A (6 Sheet) (3 Sheet) (1 Sheet) e 22 x 28 B e SLIDE