Don't Knock the Twist (Columbia Pictures) (1962)

Record Details:

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Meee aaa aa eee Meh n i eee ee eee ee ee EE a See eee eee eee ee ee eee eee eo Street Bally! Work with your disc jockey on a street bally that will promote your show as well as his program. Have an attractive young girl, or a young couple, walk around town carrying a portable radio tuned to the jockey's radio station broadcasting Twist music. Every so often, disc jockey might spin a Chubby Checker recording of a number played in the picture; passersby who tell the bally the name of the tune as well as picture and theatre credits receive guest tickets. ae ee ee A, an A en ee ee eee eR ee a CeCe KING OF TWIST Chubby Checker enjoys an international reputation as the top exponents of the Twist. Now he's back, in his greatest, ''Don't Knock the Twist." Build on the tremendous popularity of Mr. Twist himself! x @ Have your disc jockeys go to town with Twist music in honor of Checker. For a week in advance of your engagement, have recordings of Checker's music played on the air. e@ Work contest on Checker's music via music dealers, disc jockeys or your newspaper. Youngsters win guest tickets for the longest lists of records and letters on "Why | Want to See Chubby Checker in ‘Don't Knock the Twist'!"’ Present other prizes for those bringing in Checker records for donation to hospitals and charities. © Get a sound truck through town playing Chubby Checker recordings. Be sure credits are posted on both sides of the truck. ©@ Out of cardboard make a large replica of a phonograph record, with the label carrying credits: “Chubby Checker in ‘Don't Knock the Twist,’ State Theatre, Now!" Have a bally wheel it through town, stopping so the curious can read the plug. @ Arrange with a cooperative music dealer to sell Chubby Checker recordings in your theatre lobby and promote copies for giveaways, prizes, etc. TWIST ON AIR Local TV and radio programs rate prime attention for your sight-andsound promotion to highlight the 'Twist'' rhythms of the picture via a variety of "Twist'' contests and stunts. Work these: @ Launch a contest to find your town's king and queen of Twist, to serve as honor guests at the opening show and receive promoted gifts of Twist records. © Disc jockey plays Twist numbers, offering guest tickets to first listeners who phone in the correct titles. © Get a TV program to stage a Twist dance contest. e@ Another radio contest could offer ticket prizes for the biggest list of Twist song titles or of numbers recorded by Chubby Checker and other stars in the film. @ Suggest a debate on the Twist for one of your local radio/TV panel programs, those in favor of the new dance to give their reasons to opponents, the cats vs. the squares. Let your newspaper columnists or music critic get into the argument and advance theories for the popularity of The Twist. @ Conduct a Twist talent search, with local musical combos competing in the contest on a radio or TV program with listeners and viewers voting for the favorite group. Have them play one of Chubby Checker favorite recordings for the final judging. @ Suggest to local disc jockeys they feature Twist recordings of all artists on their programs and ballot their listeners on their favorites. They can run contests offering guest tickets or promoted Twist recordings for the best letters on: "Why | Like Twist Music," "'l] Want to See ‘Don't Knock the Twist Because . . .'' Limit letters to 50 words or less. THOM McAN SHOES More than 900 Thom McAn Shoe Stores from coast to coast have been alerted to ''Don't Knock the Twist,"' and have been urged to work with theatres in local promotions, window and interior displays, lobby displays, contests, etc. . . . all keyed to Chubby Checker's appearance in the new film, and the fact that Thom McAn Stores are the exclusive retailers of Chubby Checker Twisters."' ‘The shoes for doing The Twist', His Twisters sell for $8.99 and Her Twisters sell for $3.99. The Thom McAn stores all have store display material around Chubby Checker and the ''Twister'’ shoes. Local theatres should supply store manager wth stills from the film, picture poster material, playdate credit cards, etc. FAN CLUBS! There may be one in your town, or you may want to organize one! For information about Chubby Checker Fan Clubs, write direct to Gloria B., National President, 1405 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. THE MUSIC DON'T KNOCK THE TWIST Sung by Chubby Checker Kal Mann & Dave Appell Cc ameo Records TWISTIN' Sung by Chubby Checker Kal Mann & Dave Appell Kalmann Music, Inc. Kalmann Music, Inc. THE FLY Sung by Chubby Checker Madara-White Parkway Records Woodcrest-Mured Music BRISTOL STOMP Sung by The Dovells Kal Mann & Dave Appell PartwaviRecerds Kalmann Music, Inc. DUKE OF EARL Sung by Gene Chandler Gene Dixon, Bernice William & Earl Edwards Vee Jay Records LE TTLE ALTAR BOY Sung by Vic Dana Dolton Records House of Sound Music Publishers Bilya-Bah Music Publishers Conrad-Karlan, Inc. LA PALOMA TWIST Sung by Chubby Checker Kal Mann Parkway Records YES SIRREE Sung by Linda Scott Congress Records Kalmann Music, Inc. BO DIDDLEY Sung by The Carroll Bros. Cameo Records SLOW TWISTIN' Sung by Chubby Checker Jon Sheldon Parkway Records Woodcrest Music, Inc. SALOME TWIST Sung by Vocal Group Fred Karger Soon Music, Inc. MASHED POTATO TIME Dee Dee Sharp and Instrumental Jon Sheldon Cameo Records Rice Mill Pub. Co, | LOVE TO TWIST Sung by Chubby Checker Kal Mann-Bernie Lowe Kalmann Music, Inc. In Preparation: an album of music from "Don't Knock the Twist,"' to be released by Cameo/Parkway Records. Check record dealers now; if they have this and other discs . . . put ‘em to work! e List the songs in "Don't Knock the Twist'’ through your paper's personal columns and offer prizes to those bringing recordings of the numbers to the theatre, for gifting to veterans’ hospital. e Set up displays featuring the film's recording artists, highlighted with copies of the sheet music and using blow-ups and cutouts of stills from the picture. e Distribute records of the music from "Don't Knock the Twist" to disc jockeys for plays and picture plugs. e Ask local band leaders and entertainers to feature the songs. e Be sure all town juke boxes have the records and furnish credit cards for the machines. ¢ Offer prizes for the best renditions of the numbers by amateurs on radio/TV shows. e Saturate the town with window and counter displays of fthe sheet music and records. e Get your town Twist-conscious by playing the records over your p.a. system and music store speakers. Have five and dime pianists feature the music. Fe Mate wea eM e eee fe Se i eh hid ek dd ee ine a Ene ana aS Selling Aids TV Trailers: Each TV trailer has a final frame freeze for super-imposed visual credits, as well as room for local announcer to add theatre and playdate information. Order direct from: Exploitation Department, Columbia Pictures Corporation, 711 5th Ave., New York 22, N. Y. Transcriptions: A variety of spot announcements, all open end for local commentator to add theatre credits. Available on a single disc. Order from your Columbia exchange; transcriptions will be shipped from N. Y. Two Telops: Style A, theatre and station identification. Style B, theatre advertising only. Prices $5.00 without imprint: $7.50 with imprint; $2 00 far each additinnal slide or telop. Specify style ar order direct from QQ Title C St., New York 36, N. Y. Displays: 9' x 12' Flag: single ° $75.00. Badge: 40c. Streame Valance: $1.65 per running f foot. 12 pennant string; 30' k Flag Co., 43 West 21 St., ee ee Se Ca er a a a af Seana a a a a 4 a 5 5 o 3 Adults, Too! : "Don't Knock the Twist” isn't exclusively for the enjoyment of % the youngsters. Post a lobbby placard calling this fact to the ra attention of your older patrons and write them letters to the Ps 3 same effect. Be sure the point is brought up in any radio diss cussion on the dance. Incidentally, the dance crazes of the past " % once were newsworthy as the Twist is today. See if there are " % any adults who will contest for prizes in performing these dances " and match them in popularity against today's Twisters. " Poon Om ataMaMaMataM atta AaB uA Aa atc uPA PLease sata aaa aaa DRIVE-INS. TOO! e Play recordings during intermission periods, one tune for each show, and ask patrons to submit their lists of all the numbers played. Lists should come in on the day before your opening show of "Don't Knock the Twist."" As a tie-breaker, contestants might submit letters telling why they want to see "Don't Knock the Twist." e Use a variety of continuing road signs along the best routes to your drive-in. They can read: ' ‘Don't Knock the Twist!’ State Drive-in," or "Knock the High Taxes, Knock Her New Gown, Knock All Your Friends, But 'Don't Knock the Twist!’ State Drive-In!"' e Print up a quantity of neat but noticeable throwaways or small placards for your hotels, motels and your rolling public. Distribute to a wide area around your drive-in and insert under windshields of cars in all parking areas. Special door knob hangers might be printed with the first two title words in large caps, "DON'T KNOCK..." with the rest in small letters. Add drive-in credits. e Offer recordings or sheet music of songs from the film as premiums to those who find certificates placed in sandwiches, candy or ice cream wrappers at your concession stand. Or place numbered heralds in the wrappers, with lucky numbers winning the premiums. e Play Twist music on your p.a. system before and between shows, beginning the week before "'Don't Knock the Twist" opens, and encourage people to get out of their cars and Twist a bit. SOUVENIR BOOK CHUBBY CHECKER This 9'' x 12'' Chubby Checker souvenir book, 16 pages plus four-color covers, makes an ideal lobby and concession stand item. Suggested selling price is 50c apiece; a minimum order of 100 copies, shipped parcel post prepaid, is 28c per copy. Allow 12 days for delivery. Send check or money order payable to Dave Barr with all orders. Write direct to: Dave Barr Programs, '12 Wessex Road, Silver Springs, Md. ACCESSORIES e 3 SHEET e SLIDE e | SHEET e Two 22 x 28's e COMPOSITE MAT ; 5 20% B® e 8 II x 14's 0 Ms x 0) e WINDOW CARD e TRAILER e INSERT CARD e STILL SETS e 24 x 82 (20 Upright, 15 Horizontal, Pressbook, Art) AIST” VON ‘G= Will -MRWWIST HIN ISEIF— (CHUBBY CHECKER a ae ) \ hi ‘ crsontesnnnenemrtavuesesanacondtniinadoenvontrer nsencnoascsonneo:oo5 | LANG MARL GEORGINE JEFFIESBLANCHARD DARCY “GENE CAAROL UNDA CHANDLER BROTHERS SCOT DOVELLS Hite € conan e 3 SHEET e | SHEET PRINTED IN U. S. A