East of Sudan (Columbia Pictures) (1964)

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Ee (Mat 2A; Still No. 42) Jungle terrors confront Anthony Quayle and Sylvia Sims in "East of Sudan" — so do embittered Sudanese, slave traders and other dangers. A Charles H. Schneer production, "East of Sudan" is a Columbia Pictures release in Technicolor and Tech ee (Mat 2B; Still No. 40) Amid a thousand dangers ‘East of Sudan,"" Anthony Quayle as a resourceful British soldier and Sylvia Syms as a governess, find time out for romance in the new Charles H. Schneer production in Technicolor and Techniscope. "East of Sudan" is a story of Africa in the 1880's, released by Columbia Pictures. ACME General Advance CMU An action adventure based on history, with overtones that may be found in the headlines of today, Charles H. Schneer’s “East of ‘Sudan, "opens. ss) «.: at the Pe TA en Theatre in Technicolor and Techniscope. A Columbia Pictures release, “East of Sudan” is set in Africa in the 1880’s, when the British forces under General Gordon at Khartoum were working to put an end to slavery and slave trading. Anthony Quayle, who played military roles in both “The Guns of Navarone” and “Lawrence of Arabia,” stars in “East of Sudan” as a rough, resourceful British trooper, one of four survivors of a Sudenese Moslem attack upon a small British outpost. Also starred is lovely Sylvia Syms, as a prim British governess. The other two survivors are a young British subaltern who tangles with Quayle when, despite his inexperience, he tries to take charge of the small escaping party, and a young Sudanese girl, Miss Syms’ charge. In addition to the conflicts arising from their very differing: personalities, the quartet are faced with the hazards of the jungle and its animal and reptile life, with pursuing Moslems, slave traders and unfriendly natives. Quayle and Miss Syms manage to survive all perils, and even—as is customary—manage to find romance. niscope. ST Ee RP S| ee Advance Notice CULT “East of Sudan,” the Charles H. Schneer production for Columbia Pictures release, which OPeCNSh a seen Abuney. 2s sates Theatre, stars Anthony Quayle and Sylvia Syms in an adventure draina of Britain’s attempts to banish slave trading in the Sudan during the 1880’s. Directed by Nathan Juran from a screenplay by Jud Kinberg, the TechnicolorTechniscope film features Derek Fowlds, Jenny Agutter and Johnny Sekka. Review POUL There is action a’plenty in Columbia Pictures newest release, “East of Sudan,” the Charles H. Schneer production in Technicolor and Techniscope at the.... Theatre. And, as well, there is a considerable amount of timeliness in this story of Africa in the 1880’s. Anthony Quayle and Sylvia Syms star in the adventure romance, in which they appear as survivors of a Sudanese Moslem attack on a British outpost. The British, under General Gordon of Khartoum, are trying to destroy slavery and slave trading; the Sudanese Moslems are banded together in a vast opposition and war. Also surviving the sack of Barash is a young British officer and the young Sudanese girl who is Miss Syms’ special charge, The strangely-assorted quartet fight their way through the jungle to link up with Gordon. Perils confronting them include the hazards of a tumultuous river, the loss of their boat, reptiles and other jungle dangers, pursuing Moslem, slave traders and unfriendly natives. Quayle, as a resourceful rough and ready trooper, manages to bring his party successfully through, and to find romance with the prim governess along the way. “Kast of Sudan” was directed by Nathan Juran from the screenplay by Jud Kinberg. Featured in the film are Derek Fowlds as the inexperienced young subaltern who _ resents Quayle’s “take-charge” capabilities; Jenny Agutter, as the child, and Johnny Sekka as a Sudanese ex-slave. “East of Sudan” was directed by Nathan Juran from a screenplay by Jud Kinberg. Derek Fowlds is featured as the young subaltern; Jenny Agutter appears as the Sudanese girl and Johnny Sekka as a Sudanese, a former slave. MMMM TMM mM MMM Mm MT TTT TT Tee ee ee ee eT eT THE CAST UE Meira Baker Vo ea ee ee ene een SS ae Anthony Quayle Matdaret Wocduile 5 Coca, at eee Se aa Sylvia Syms 2 oh Se DR ORR ase yee Uirt sy te nO ne erm rene Wires OS Derek Fowlds PASH 9555 sth oses oabeL Biueceiaa Aa wigs eile ye ee Jenny Agutter Rigen et et are er kt Johnny Sekka SS 2 Shh ai mee a as aR eh ge PN, eCard 9 ACI Harold Coyne Ongar 6. eee er ee Joseph Layode WEICRIIOCTOR le dS Gye ee ee Te eT ea ee ee eee ee (|| ech an uments inate a MOR R. So NT! Maen Sree ee Desmond Davies Maiot (Zag) adh seinen Hin cil Alto cees gene ee ee Derek Bloomfield Pa OES Se en a ee ae ae i Edward Ellis THE CREDITS SUSUMU Produced and directed by Nathan Juran; Screenplay, Jud Kinberg; Photographed by Wilkie Cooper; Production Manager, Ted Wallis; Camera Operator, Harry Gillam; Assistant Director, Derek Parr; Continuity, Phyllis Crocker; Music by Laurie Johnson; Sound recordists, George Stephenson and Red Law; Art Director, Lionel Couch; Editor, Ernest Hosler; Title Design, Sam Suliman. In Technicolor® and Techniscope®. A Charles H. Schneer Production. Released through Columbia Pictures. THE STORY EE TE SU TE En tn ee BO tee Be Tee Ae (Not For Publication) In the 1880's, the Moslems of Sudan rally behind their mystical leader, the Mahdi, to stamp out British in‘luence and General Gordon's attempts to banish slave trading. The outpost at Barash, 200 miles upriver from Khartoum, is the first to come under attack. Among the ho>delessly outnumbered defenders is Richard Baker, a tough, unorthodox trooper who gets away on a river boat with Margaret Woodville, a prim English governess; her young native charge, Asua; and an inexperienced subaltern, Murchison. The small party, fugitives in a strange and frightening country, face death not only from ths Moslem, but from slave traders, hostile natives and predatory jungle beasts. Baker's brutal methods keep him at loggerheads with Murchison and the prim Margaret. Wen Asua becomes very ill, the small party is further impeded, and captured by jungle warriors. Running Time: 84 Mins. UL UC Ee Te OE OE NO SUE ST NOT SUD AUT OD NT OOE TT UND AT Ue TW) AT G0 (Mat 1A; Still No. 32) Anthony Quayle and Sylvia Syms face danger in "East of Sudan," new Charles H. Schneer production in Technicolor and Techniscope. Story of Africa in the 1880's, "East of Sudan" is a Columbia Pictures release. Se ST NEO Anthony Quayle TT Re Pe Playing military roles as though he were born to the part comes naturally to Anthony Quayle, who appear as a British trooper in the 1880’s Sudan, in the Charles H. Schneer production, “East of Sudan,” Columbia Pictures release at the ........ Theatre in Technicolor and Techniscope. During World War II, Major Quayle served with the Royal Artillery in the Aegean and worked behind enemy lines in Albania. His first important screen role was that of Commodore Harwood in “The Battle of the River Plate.” He played a commando Major in “The Guns of Navarone” and appeared as Peter O’Toole’s commanding officer in the desert, in Sam Spiegel’s “Lawrence of Arabia.” In June, 1946, after he was demobilized with the rank of major, Quayle won fame as a producer with “Crime and Punishment” at the New Theatre in London. At this time he also wrote two best sellers, “Eight Hours From England” and “On Such a Night”—while playing in “Anthony and Cleopatra” and “Othello.” The Stratford-on-Avon chapter of his story began in 1948. He joined the Royal Shakespeare Theatre as producer and actor, and later that year was appointed director. He remained in that capacity for nine years. In 1956 he went to New York where he won acclaim for his Broadway performance in Marlowe’s “Tamburlaine the Great.” In “East of Sudan,” which Nathan Juran directed from the screenplay by Jud _ Kinberg, Quayle is co-starred with Sylvia Syms, and the supporting cast includes Derek Fowlds, Jenny Agutter and Johnny Sekka. Sylvia Syms Sylvia Syms, who stars with Anthony Quayle in the Charles H. Schneer production, “East of Nudane’ atebhOr sweetie. Theatre in Technicolor and Techniscope, was starred in her first film, the Herbert Wilcox-Anne Neagle production, “My Teenage Daughter.” Thereafter she regularly starred in major films. She is a product of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, repertory and television. In “East of Sudan,” she plays the part of a prim English governess to her young native charge, Jenny Agutter—a far cry from every other character she has played in films. There is nothing ‘prim’ about Miss Syms, one of England’s most beautiful young players. Nathan Juran directed “East of Sudan” from the screenplay by Jud Kinberg, and the supporting players include Derek Fowlds and Johnny Sekka. PRINTED AN: U.S. AL .