Experiment in Terror (Columbia Pictures) (1962)

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This is a story that begins above the len Gate , in San Francisco. In the faste two hours ever seen on the screen, it mounts to such a pitch of intensity that it must take its place among the ~— great suspense — _ pictures of all time! COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS A BLAKE EDWARDS PRODUCTION GLENN FORD-LEE REMICK <= smoxticTonore sic In The Marvelous Henry Mancini Mannerl Pe WIT STEFANIE POWERS’ SOREN BY THE GORDONS BASED ON THEIR NOVEL, “OPERATION TERROR“/ PRODUCED & DIRECTED BLAKE EDWARDS’™s° BY HENRY MANCINI Ad No. 402—444 Lines (including imprint space) COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS A BLAKE EDWARDS PRODUCTION ee GLENN FORD te SW LEEREMICK fastest two hours the screen has ever seen! JARVELOUS MOOD USIC BY HENRY MANCINI wl STEFANIE POWERS" ® THE GORDONS. £562. Ie nove. remeron RODUCED 6 ORESTED TRY AK EDWARDS /sis* & never wavcn Ad No. 203—80 Lines Ad No. 104—69 Lines Page 2 All advertising material in this pressbook, as well as all other newspaper and publicity material, has been approved under the MPAA Advertising Code as a self-regulatory procedure of the Motion Picture Association of America, an experiment terror... COLUMBIA PICTURES e RESENTS A BLAKE EDWARDS a PRODUCTION WwW J) 64 Og WITH STEFANIE POWERS SCREENPLAY a THE GORDONS BASED ON THEIR NOVEL, “OPERATION TERROR" PRODUCED & DIRECTED SBI AKE EDWARDS MUSIC BY HENRY MANCINI Ad No. 208—318 Lines (including imprint space) All inquiries on this procedure, which is voluntarily subscribed to by the major motion picture companies, may be addressed to: Advertising Code Administrator, Motion Picture Association of America, 28 West 44th Street, New York 36, N. Y. —