First Men in the Moon (Columbia Pictures) (1964)

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‘Moon’ Story in Three Cartoon —_ THE WORLD WAITS BREATHLESSLY FOR NEWS FROM THE UMTED NATIONS’ SPACESHIR, HURTLING ON (TS WAY TO THE MOON.... THE LONG-OREAMED OF MOMENT.... MEN ON THE MOON J... BUT, DUMBFOUNDED, THE U.N. =ASTRONAUTS "Fue THAT THEY HAVE BEEN FORESTALLED. . » THE MOON HAS ALREADY BEEN CLAIMED FOR GREAT BRITAIN AND QUEEN VICTORIA { . Prcpian HOME IN OYMCHURCH, ang RNOLD BEDFORD (EDWARD JUPD) Beal and | FANTASTIC STORY... NOW RIDICULED AS A MENTAL OBSESSION...{™" = b WE REACHED THE SOT IN ag NOBODY BELIEVED ME-THAT’S WHY THEYVE KEPT ME HERE ALL THESE YEARS Mat No. Expl. 2 (Size, each 101%’’ x 2’’ deep)—Order from National Screen Designed mainty for newspaper use, this cartoon story in three strips (the first instalment only is shown here) can be used also as a throwaway folder. Print on paper | 11/,"" x 8" deep and fold in centre. On the front use a 6" double column advertisement together with theatre heading and playdate. Ad lines may also be printed on the back. supermarket shopping bags. For newspaper use, strips are intended to be run in sequence in a daily paper or over three weeks in a weekly. Folder may be used as package-stuffer or printed on (Mat 2A; Still No. 16) "First Men IN the Moon" discover the lack of gravity there, prior to their exploration of that satellite's crystal caverns. The men are Edward Judd and Lionel Jeffries; also starred in the Charles H. Schneer production is Martha Hyer. The new Columbia Pictures release is based on H. G. Wells’ classic novel; note the primitive space-craft. Advance Notice “First Men IN the Moon,” GG Fie pices 2 BE NO shia iieccauecis Theatre in Lunacolor, is the story of a landing on that satellite 65 years before a United Nations space-ship crew duplicates the feat. The cast which plays this H. G. Wells scientific adventure story is headed by Edward Judd, Martha Hyer and Lionel Jeffries. Nathan Juran directed the Charles H. Schneer production from the screenplay by Nigel Kneale and Jan Read. Ray Harryhausen was the associate producer and creator of the special visual effects for this Columbia P*cture release in Dynamation and Panavision. Page 6 Their Films Travel If producer Charles H. Schneer and associate producer Ray Harryhausen have one guiding principle of film-making it would seem to be somewhat along the lines of: “Make it move!” Currently, at the ............ Theatre, “First Men IN the Moon” is taking its audiences on a journey from the Earth to that satellite and back again. Schneer and Harryhausen have teamed on such other “travel’’ pictures as “Jason and _ the Argonauts,” and similar screen excitements. “First Men IN the Moon,” based on the H. G. Wells science-adventure classic, stars Edward Judd, Martha Hyer and Lionel Jeffries. (Mat 2B; Still No. 45) Martha Hyer looks out of a porthole in the primitive space-craft used by the "First Men IN the Moon" people, a Selenite, looking back at her. to find one of the moonIt's a scene from the Charles H. Schneer production in Dynamation, Panavision and Lunacolor. The new Columbia Pictures release is based on H. G. Wells’ classic story of scientific adventure. SEMPER ABSIT SSE TRI LETTS EI RTL TT EE ELIE FOL GE OT NEG EN EI OL TID NITE, No Green Cheese! Green cheese was NOT one —— of 'the items used by the highly skilled group of designers, technicians, craftsmen and scientists working to create the sets for Charles H. Schneer’s new science-adventure, “The First Men IN the Moon,’ now at ther Seas a Theatre in Lunacolor. Pretty near everything else known to modern technology was used to make the “Moon,” however. According to the H. G. Wells story on which the Columbia Pictures release is based, the space-men of 65 years ago made their flight in a huge iron sphere; this was fabricated of fiberglass and wood for the film, but it still weighed more than a ton. On the moon itself, they found grotesquely humanized ant forms they called Selenites; and a strange variety of vegetation. They found huge crystal caverns and a host of other marvels and menaces. Then, of course, the moviemakers had to re-create the moon’s surface, as well, along with the heavens. “First Men IN the Moon” stars Edward Judd, Martha Hyer and Lionel Jeffries as the first men—and a woman!—both on and in the moon. Nigel Kneale and Jan Read wrote the screenplay for the Ameran film, which was directed by Nathan Juran in Panavision and associate producer Ray Harryhausen created the special visual effects in Dynamation. Harryhausen won _ international praise for his work on the last Schneer picture, “Jason and the Argonauts,” and he had to do six months pre-production work in “First Men IN the Moon” plus a further four months after the 12 weeks of filming. “There is no quick way of doing my job,’ says Harryhausen. “One needs unlimited patience and first class as sistants.” He and art director John Blezard created a complete lunar world including Wells’ race of moon creatures and a giant gastropod moonbeast. “Everything had to be minutely planned and _ scaled and there were hundreds of color and matching tests to be done.” Nigel Kneale’s brother, Brian, the sculptor and painter, was commissioned by Schneer to create three dimensional conceptions of the moon animal and plant life. Brian Kneale’s bestknown work, “Amor,” a massive monument in iron, won the acclaim of the International Congress of Architecture. His works are displayed in national galleries and museums in Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Mexico and the United States. Moon Woman Film producer Charles H. Schneer’s adaption of H. G. Wells’ classic, “First Men IN the Moon,” the Columbia Pictures release now at the ............ Theatres, in Lunacolor, also involves the adventures of the first woman in the moon. She is played by Martha Hyer, who co-stars with Edward Judd and Lionel Jeffries. Explains Schneer, “I had to be a little more thoughtful than Wells. In this day and age, it’s not so surprising that a woman should be an_ interplanetary traveler, since we already have a woman cosmonaut. In all other particulars, we stick ‘to the theme of the book.” Nigel Kneale and Jan Read wrote the screenplay from Wells’ original, scientific adventure tale, with Nathan Juran directing and associate producer Ray Harryhausen creating the special visual effects in Dyna-_ mation and Panavision. Edward Judd Edward Judd, 31 year old British actor, currently starring in the Charles H. Schneer production “First Men In the Ninos at. Ue vc, a.csatvises. Theatre in Lunacolor, has been hailed by critics as “a threat to Peter O’Toole, an ambush to Albert Finney” for his work on the London stage. Born in Shanghai of AngloRussian parents, Judd ‘traveled extensively with his salesman father in China, Japan, Malaya, India, Arabia and North Africa. His education started in the Far East and, when his parents moved to London, it was completed in that city. At 16, acting became his main interest, and he enrolled as a student-actor at a club theatre. He auditioned for and was made master of ceremonies of a, BBCTV program, which gave him minor television parts. Judd’s film debut in Terence Rattigan’s “The Guinea Pig’ came after a period of repertory at Windsor and Nottingham. Co-starred with Judd in the new Columbia Pictures release are Martha Hyer and Lionel Jeffries. Nathan Juran directed the film from the screenplay by Nigel Kneale and Jan Read from the original story by H. G. Wells. Associate producer Ray Harryhausen created the special visual effects in Dynamation for the Ameran film. Lionel Jeffries Lionel Jeffries, one of the international screen’s most versatile comedy character actors, portrays H. G. Wells’ famous fictional scientist Joseph Cavor, who discovers an anti-gravity substance, in the Charles H. Schneer production for Columbia Pictures release, “First Men IN the Moon,” now at the............ Theatre in Lunacolor. Jeffries stars with Edward Judd and Martha Hyer in this latest of Schneer’s Dynamation and Panavision films for which associate producer Ray Harryhausen contributed his now famous talents for his special visual effects. Jeffries’ reputation is international, even though he accepted star billing only three years ago. In Jeffries’ case it is correct to say “accepted” and not “attained” star billing because he had refused motion picture stardom many times before. “T didn’t think I was ready to move up, and I’m sure if I had been ‘starred’ I would have stunted my career,’ he says. “Once you’re up there, you can’t accept anything less than a major role. Becoming a_ star overnight is fine for the unknowns because they have nothing to lose. But it’s no good for the established actor unless he knows he has a darned good chance of staying on top.” “First Men IN the Moon” was directed by Nathan Juran from the screenplay by Nigel Kneale and Jan Read.