Funny Girl (Columbia Pictures) (1968)

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DIRECT FROM WILLIAM WYLER ITS LONG-RUN ROADSHOW ENGAGEMENTS WITH EVERY SONG AND SCENE... ALL THE LOVE AND LAUGHTER! COLUMBIA PICTURES and RASTAR PRODUCTIONS present BARBRA STREISAND: OMAR SHARIF."FUNNY GIRL’ KAY MEDEORDANNE FRANCIS: WALTER PIDGEON swe zen sees HERBERT BAC #0 ECE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Screen ir SOB Prado + ery i [G] Suggested for GENERAL audiences. eS a) GENERAL Based on the Musical Play by SOBEL LENNARTMusic by JULE STYNE Lyrics by BOB MERRILL LENT ~RAY SR” BEST ACTRESS BARBRA STREISAND TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® CS <&* ‘Ovens Sostack abun on ColrbaRecs Ad No. 420—508 Lines (including imprint space)—4 Cols. x 9!/g Inches KSPR SERGE RRERECRSE SH PSREERERE DEEDES S & Re : emthe worg ; B B C eo? who can Se id : a? ov” : Mie” vo x g The wi ene & & ar r\ a ge & : © Jet es! : PY & : gus yar v rman : . ov rio Ces Rice » (\) *¢) ee & x 0 ay? : ss : ® gv? ie % B ; cont* . : ACADEMY “ : AWARD . sd BE & ‘ ACTRESS . ; BARBRA @ : STREISAND Ais fe B ; ; * : COLUMBIA PICTURES andRASTAR PRODUCTIONS preset =u * « BARBRA STREISAND: OMAR SHARIF. " > FUNNY GiRL : : KAY MEDFORD. ANNE FRANCIS WALTER PIOGEON enn . we HERBERT ROSS ““UULE STYNE "BOB MERRILL sezerssssaramssauime ee COPE | ENNART © # ioe MALO LL WiLGiromear tiliine enciole cos ee ® % a Suggested for & GENERAL audiences. ® % Bs ® SSR EP SSEP SR ERS AREER EERE SE BE OSD Sede Re see Re ee oesese se B DIRECT FROM ITS LONG-RUN ROADSHOW ENGAGEMENTS! WILLIAM WYLER RAY STARK f ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST ACTRESS BARBRA STREISAND COLUMBIA PICTURES ang RASTAR PRODUCTIONS p: BARBRA STREISAND: OMAR SHARIF “FUNNY GIRL’ TECHNICOLOR® : PANAVISION® | > [6] SSRs eese ses SsSRee & Ad No. 226—146 Lines—2 Cols. x 51/4 Inches Ad No. |20—72 Lines | Col, x 5!/g Inches Page 3