Gidget Goes Hawaiian (Columbia Pictures) (1961)

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GO HAWAITAN WITH THESE ‘GIDGET’ PROMOTIONS! (PRPS EASA HIRD TRAVEL AGENCIES a SIT THE ENCHANTED The American Society of a HACATION LAND. Travel Agents (ASTA) is aay cooperating in the ''GidTauoron ecru = a get Goes Hawaiian" $gee campaign by sending its ese 1,500 member agencies throughout the country a special "Gidget Goes Hawaiian" travel poster (see "'rough"'). Additionally, at the local level, ASTA members will welcome other display material and can be expected to cooperate with local theatres exhibiting "Gidget Goes Hawaiian." The ASTA member in your situation might station one of his men in your lobby to answer travel questions from patrons who have seen ''Gidget Goes Hawaiian": publicize the stunt with a co-op ad and herald along the lines of ''See the Picture, and Then Pop Your Hawaiian Travel Questions to Our Mr. Smith, etc.'' Showmen desirous of setting additional travel agency tie-ins may obtain posters, available in limited quantities, by writing direct to: ‘4 Aa ea ; Unie , ul Exploitation Department Columbia Pictures 711 Fifth Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. UNITED AIRLINES An important comedy scene in ''Gidget Goes Hawaiian," involving the stars and principal featured players, takes place aboard an Hawaiian-bound United Airlines plane, cueing a considerable local showmanship "‘assist'’ by the transportation outfit. United Airlines is notifying its offices throughout the country of the picture, and urging cooperation with theatres playing the ''Gidget Goes Hawaiian," suggested have been the window and airport ticket counter use of a rear view projector to carry the new featurette, "Hollywood Goes Hawaiian" (described on page 7 of this pressbook} and the |-minute television trailer, which shows a United Airlines scene from the picture. The company has also alerted its listing of 4000 travel agencies in the United States, urging them to tie-in with local theatres on ''Gidget Goes Hawaiian.'' Contact local United Airlines office early, and make your arrangements te plug the picture. In addition, of course, go after travel agencies, airport terminals, hotel lobbies, etc. "Hollywood Goes Hawaiian" can be obtained by writing direct to: Exploitation Department Columbia Pictures 711 Fifth Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. COCA-COLA The following exploitation stills, highlighting ''Gidget Goes Hawaiian" players drinking Coca Cola, are available from local exchange for use in a joint promotion with the CocaCola bottling company in your situation: Special | (James Darren), Spec’al 2 (Vicki Trickett), Special 3 (Carl Reiner, Deborah Walley and Joby Baker). Go after co-op newspaper advertising, radio and TV spots, and Coca-Cola parties at your theatre. 5). I 2 I | DIE] HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY! “Gidget Goes Hawaiian” literally is a Hawaiian holiday on the screen, and that can be an approach to happy showmanship encompassing a great many dealers and services. See what can be worked out in your situation along the following lines, in addition to the tie-ups listed on these pages: e Hawaiian foods, recipes, etc. e Hawaiian fashion and fabrics designs. e Luggage, resort wear. e Travel and vacation accessories. e Budget and “instalment” vacations. e Travelers’ checks. Along with these, there might be a number of newsworthy localites who have “gone Hawaiian,” for a vacation or for business reasons. They might find in “Gidget Goes Hawaiian” some aspects worthy of comment; they might have souvenirs and photographs worthy of publicity and display. In line with the ‘Hawaiian Holiday’ theme, The Hawaiian Visitors Bureau has plans extensive mailings to travel editors, travel agencies and various other groups and organizations alerting them to “Gidget Goes Hawaiian.” IBEaIba}bza|bslbzalpxaloxd|pealpza)psabzalbdlpxalbs4)bsaipealpzd|pealps4)pxapeqiprdlpedIpxalpsalpsaipxaDexdlps alba pxaibxlpxalpxalbsd]psd bxalbxd bed baled bedlbsa)pcalbsdpca bxdlera ROSE MARIE REID Since the girls' swimsuits in ''Gidget Goes Hawaiian" are Rose Marie Reid creations, this could be the basis for an effective, mutually beneficial, promotion with local Rose Marie Reid swim suit retailers. Theatre might supply the dealer with a quantity of tickets during a Rose Marie Reid sales campaign in return for which store advertising could mention the fact that the female stars wear the swim suits n "Gidget Goes Hawaiian." ¢ A "Gidget" bathing beauty contest for girls wearing Rose Marie Reid swimsuit creations would be a natural adjunct of the above promotion. Work with the co operating retailer to sponsor the contest on your stage or at his store, if it is a large one. Prizes might be bath ing suits and beach accessories. Use Still No. Art | (above), and other Deborah Walley swim suit stills. ARTHUR MURRAY The Arthur Murray School of Dancing is alerting its studio managers all over the country to the fact that it has named a dance the ''Gidget Hawaiian Mambo" in recognition of the exhibition mambo performed by Deborah Walley and Michael Callan in the film, ''Gidget Goes Hawaiian." Studio managers are being urged to cooperate with theatres in setting up local promotions such as ''Gidget'' Hawaiian Dance Parties, theatre exhibitions, local tie-up advertising, displays inside and in the windows of Arthur Murray Studios, contests, use of Arthur Murray Dance Lesson Certificates as prizes, giveaways, etc. EUPSAIbSdIPsibsaibsdipedbedipealbrdibealbsd)bedibsd bearded bsdibsd)btd bed bxaibraibsd SHERATON HOTELS WHEN Gedjel ove HAWAIIAN swe eoes NU (NL oI NWANAN The Sheraton Hotels chain is working with "Gidget Goes Hawaiian" release by displaying a poster (see rough") in the lobbies, reservation and travel desks of its 58 hotels and five regional sales offices as well as a tie-in table tent card in its 28,000 rooms, 125 hotel restaurants and all cocktail lounges. In addition, ''Gidget Goes Hawaiian" also is being AA AER highlighted in its spring ee ee. and summer "Holi day," "New Yorker" and ''Sunset'' magazine advertising by the Sheraton chain's Royal Hawaiian Hotel. The Sheraton organization will also service publicity stories and photos to hotel trade publications and to newspaper travel editors. A limited supply of the Sheraton poster is available from: * DARREN. CALLEN WALLEY SY AGS EDDIE FOY EFF DINNER, ; GOES HAWAIIAN 4 ; Cone nr Exploitation Department Columbia Pictures 711 Fifth Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. COPPERTONE James Darren and Deb\y! orah Walley have endorsed Coppertone suntan lotion which plans an extensive magazine advertising campaign, with all ads carrying prominent credits for ''Gidget Goes Hawaiian." Shown here is the full page, full color ad that is timed to break in McCall's, Seventeen, True Story and Photoplay magazines coincident with the national release of the film, for a combined circulation of eleven million. The nation's radio listeners are to be reached with a campaign of 2,000 spoi announcements made by Miss Walley and also slated to coincide with the film's release, and 300 newspapers across the country also will carry an ad similar to the one shown above. Work with drug, department and other stores on window and counter displays featuring James Darren and Deborah Walley stills and playdate credit cards, along with Still No. P-6 showing Michael Callan applying Coppertone to Miss Walley's shoulder as James Darren watches. Promote Coppertone for use as contest prizes or giveaways. SPORTSWEAR California Sportswear is featuring Vicki Trickett in a national campaign, involving point-of-sale display material and dealer ad mats for local co-op advertising. Work with the California Sporiswear dealer in your community on a joint promotion covering window and counter displays, co-op advertising, a fashion show, etc. \COPPERTONE “3% Page 3