Gunmen from Laredo (Columbia Pictures) (1959)

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“GUNMEN FROM LAREDO” ... filled with the terror-evoking blast of the "chisera,’ deadly Southwest desert storm... the suspense that comes with hand-to-hand combat between red man and white for possession of a tomahawk and a girl... the bullet-blasting excitement of a lone Texan's revenge-filled stand! “GUNMEN FROM LAREDO” ... brings to showmen an outdoor adventure story bursting with action... drama... thrills... in Columbia Color! It's a picture to sell...for people to see! BILLING COLUMBIA PICTURES | 25, presents GUNMEN FROM STORY LAREDO -: (Not for Publication ) with ROBERT JANA KNAPP DAVI Gil Reardon Rosita .... Jana Davi Ben : Walter Coy Matt Crawford... Paul Birch Dave Marlow....Don C. Harvey Frank Bass Clarence Straight Robert Knapp Jordan Keefer... Jerry Barclay Walt Keefer... Coloradas ..... Charles Horvath Katy Reardon Jean Moorhead Delgados ....X. Brands Judge Parker... Harry Antrim ....Ron Hayes Rancher Gil Reardon, whose wife has been killed by Laredo i. WALTER COY 35% gunmen Ben Keefer and his brothers, breaks jail after he has been framed by the Keefers. Gil makes the desert trek to Laredo with Wri ritten by Rosita, an Indian girl he has rescued from another tribe, besting CLARK E. REYNOLDS 15% Indian chief Mangos Coloradas in a tomahawk fight. Gil kills the roduccdmandaDanceredale WALLACE MacDONALD 15% In COLUMBIA COLOR Keefers in a climactic gun fight and, with Rosita, heads for the Mexican border and safety. Copyright © 1958 Columbia Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. | Most Desperate | Vengeance-Trail in Southwest History! COLUMBIA ‘ we PICTURES L-ldl { 405 CREDITS Written by Clark E. Reynolds; Produced and Directed by Wallace MacDonald; Assistant Director, Leonard Katzman; Columbia Color; Color Consultant, Henri Jaffa; Director of Photography, Irving Lippman; Art Director, Carl Anderson; Film Editor, Al Clark, A.C.E.; Set Decorator, Alfred E. Spencer; Recording Super visor, John Livadary; Sound, Lambert Day; A Columbia Picture. ACCESSORIES ihre Rages: THREE SHEET (Shown at top of page.) ONE SHEET (Shown at left.) 22x28 @ EIGHT 11x 14’s ¢ TRAILER (SLIDE same design.) 40 x 60, 30 x 40, 24 x 60 and 24 x 82 DISPLAYS © INSERT CARD FOUR STILL SETS © COMPOSITE MAT (20 horizontals, 10 uprights, pressbook set, art set.)